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A bunch of helper functions to work with read-only maps


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A bunch of helper functions to work with read-only maps. Works internally with native maps without any kind of magic.

import { remove, updateDefault, updateDefaultDeep } from '@cubux/readonly-map';

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

console.log(updateDefault(input, 'z', 30, (v) => v + 1));
// => Map(3) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 20, 'z' => 31 }

console.log(remove(input, 'x'));
// => Map(1) { 'y' => 20 }

const nested: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<number, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    [10, 23],
    [20, 42],

updateDefaultDeep(nested, ['x', 20], 0, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(1) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 10 => 23, 20 => 43 },
//    }
updateDefaultDeep(nested, ['y', 30], 0, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(2) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 10 => 23, 20 => 42 },
//      'y' => Map(1) { 30 => 1 },
//    }

Alternative usage:

import * as RoMap from '@cubux/readonly-map';

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

console.log(RoMap.remove(input, 'x'));
// => Map(1) { 'y' => 20 }

Use Cases

State management

import { FC, useState, ChangeEvent } from 'react';
import { remove, set } from '@cubux/readonly-map';

const TodoList: FC = () => {
  const [values, setValues] = useState<ReadonlyMap<string, number>>(() => new Map());

  const handleChangeItem = (
    key: string,
    { target: { value } }: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>,
  ) =>
    setValues(prev => value ? set(prev, key, value) : remove(prev, key));



npm i @cubux/readonly-map



  map:       ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  predicate: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => unknown,
): boolean

Tests whether all elements in the map pass the test implemented by the provided function. Works similar to Array.prototype.every().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

every(input, (v) => v % 10 === 0);
// => true

every(input, (v) => v % 20 === 0);
// => false

every(input, (_, k) => k === k.toLowerCase());
// => true

See also map(), some().


  map:       ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  predicate: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => unknown,
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Creates a new map with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function. Works similar to Array.prototype.filter().

  • Will return input map if nothing changed (t.i. all elements passed the test).
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([
  ['x', 10],
  ['y', 20],
  ['Z', 42],

filter(input, (v, k) => v % 20 === 0 || k === k.toUpperCase());
// => Map(2) { 'y' => 20, 'Z' => 42 }

See also map().


  map:       ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  predicate: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => unknown,
): V | undefined

Returns the value of the first element in the provided map that satisfies the provided testing function. If no elements satisfy the testing function, undefined is returned. Works similar to Array.prototype.find().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

find(input, (v) => v % 20 === 0);
// => 20

find(input, (v) => v % 10 === 0);
// => 10

find(input, (v) => !v);
// => undefined

find(input, (_, k) => k === k.toUpperCase());
// => undefined

See also findKey(), includes(), some().


  map:       ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  predicate: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => unknown,
): K | undefined

Returns the key of the first element in the provided map that satisfies the provided testing function. If no elements satisfy the testing function, undefined is returned. Works similar to Array.prototype.findIndex().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

findKey(input, (v) => v % 20 === 0);
// => 'y'

findKey(input, (v) => v % 10 === 0);
// => 'x'

findKey(input, (v) => !v);
// => undefined

findKey(input, (_, k) => k === k.toUpperCase());
// => undefined

See also find().


  array:   readonly T[],
  calcKey: (item: T) => K,
): ReadonlyMap<K, T>

Creates a map from simple array of items, calculating corresponding key for every item with the given callback calcKey().

fromArray([1, 2, 3], (v) => v * 10)
// => Map(3) { 10 => 1, 20 => 2, 30 => 3 }

This is a shortcut for commonly used operation:

new Map( => [calcKey(v), v]))


  map:          ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  key:          K,
  defaultValue: D
): V | D

Get a value of the given key in the map. If map has no given key a defaultValue is returned.

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number | undefined> = new Map([
  ['x', 10],
  ['y', undefined],

getOr(input, 'x');
// => 10

getOr(input, 'y', null);
// => undefined

getOr(input, 'z', null);
// => null

See also getDeep().


  map:          MapDeep<KS, V>,
  path:         KS,
  defaultValue: D,
): V | D

Returns a value from the given nested maps structure referenced with given keys path. If map has no final element in the given path a defaultValue is returned.

  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],
  ['y', new Map()],

getDeep(input, ['x', 'b']);
// => 20

getDeep(input, ['x']);
// => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 20 }

getDeep(input, ['y', 't']);
// => undefined
getDeep(input, ['y', 't'], null);
// => null

See also getOr(), hasDeep().


  map:  MapDeep<KS, any>,
  path: KS,
): boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified keys path exists or not.

  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],
  ['y', new Map()],

hasDeep(input, ['x', 'b']);
// => true
hasDeep(input, ['x']);
// => true
hasDeep(input, ['y', 't']);
// => false

See also getDeep().


  map:   ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  value: V,
): boolean

Determines whether a map includes a certain value among its values, returning true or false as appropriate. Works similar to Array.prototype.includes().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

includes(input, 20);
// => true
includes(input, 42);
// => false

See also find(), some().


  map:      ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  callback: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => U,
): ReadonlyMap<K, U>

Creates a new map populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling map as values with respective keys from input map. Works similar to

  • Will return input map when nothing to change (t.i. input map is empty or every new value is identical to respective old value).
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

map(input, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(2) { 'x' => 11, 'y' => 21 }

map(input, (v, k) => ({[k]: v}));
// => Map(2) { 'x' => { x: 10 }, 'y' => { y: 20 } }

See also reduce().


  a:    ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  ...b: ReadonlyMap<K, V>[]
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Merge multiple maps into new map. Every key in the returned map will have the latest value from all occurrences of the key.

  • May return input map when nothing to change.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

merge(input, new Map([['z', 30], ['y', 42]]));
// => Map(3) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 42, 'z' => 30 }

merge(input, new Map([['y', 20]])) === input;
// => true

merge(new Map(), input, new Map()) === input;
// => true

See also map(), set().


  map: ReadonlyMap<keyof any, any>,
): object

Converts nested maps structure into nested objects keeping key=>value pairs.

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<number, string>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    [10, 'a'],
    [20, 'b'],
  ['y', new Map([[30, 'c']])],
  ['z', new Map()],

// {
//   x: {
//     10: 'a',
//     20: 'b',
//   },
//   y: {
//     30: 'c',
//   },
//   z: {},
// }

See also reduce().


  map:     ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  reducer: (prev: U, value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => U,
  initial: U,
): U

Executes a provided reducer function on each element of the map, resulting in a single output value. Works similar to Array.prototype.reduce().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

reduce(input, (s, v) => s + v, 0);
// => 30

reduce(input, (m, v, k) => m.set(v, k), new Map<number, string>())
// => Map(2) { 10 => 'x', 20 => 'y' }

See also map().


  map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  key: K,
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Create a new map without given key.

  • Will return input map when it doesn't have given key.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

remove(input, 'x');
// => Map(1) { 'y' => 20 }

See also removeDeep(), filter(), reduce().


  map:  MapDeep<KS, V>,
  path: KS,
): MapDeep<KS, V>

Creates new nested maps structure from input by removing a single element with the given keys path.

  • Will return input map when element with the given path doesn't exist.
  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],
  ['y', new Map()],

removeDeep(input, ['x', 'b']);
// => Map(2) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10 },
//      'y' => Map(0) {},
//    }

See also remove(), hasDeep(), setDeep().


  map:   ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  key:   K,
  value: V,
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Creates new map with the given key assigned to the given value.

  • Will return input map then nothing to change (t.i. input map already has value assigned to key).
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

set(input, 'z', 40);
// => Map(3) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 20, 'z' => 40 }
set(input, 'y', 42);
// => Map(2) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 42 }
set(input, 'y', 20) === input;
// => true

See also setDeep(), update(), updateDefault().


  map:   MapDeep<KS, V>,
  path:  KS,
  value: V,
): MapDeep<KS, V>

Creates new nested maps structure from input by assigning the given value to a single element with the given keys path.

  • Will return input map when element with the given path already exists and is identical to the given value already.
  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],

setDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], 42);
// => Map(1) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 42 },
//    }

setDeep(input, ['y'], new Map([['c' => 42]]));
// => Map(2) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 20 },
//      'y' => Map(2) { 'c' => 42 },
//    }

setDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], 20) === input;
// => true

See also set(), updateDeep(), updateDefaultDeep().


  map:       ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  predicate: (value: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => unknown,
): boolean

Tests whether at least one element in the map passes the test implemented by the provided function. It returns true if it finds an element for which the provided function returns truthy value; otherwise it returns false. Works similar to Array.prototype.some().

const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['Y', 20]]);

some(input, (v) => v % 10 === 0);
// => true
some(input, (v) => v % 20 === 0);
// => true
some(input, (_, k) => k === k.toUpperCase());
// => true
some(input, (v) => v % 2);
// => false

See also every(), find(), includes().


  map:     ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  key:     K,
  updater: (prev: V, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => V,
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Creates new map from input map by updating value in the given key with the given callback updater().

  • Will do nothing and return input map if key does not exist. See else updateDefault() as opposite for this case.
  • Will return input map when nothing to change (t.i. when new value returned from updater() is identical to old value).
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

update(input, 'y', (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(2) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 21 }

update(input, 'z', () => { throw new Error("Won't be called"); }) === input;
// => true

See also set(), updateDefault(), updateDeep().


  map:     MapDeep<KS, V>,
  path:    KS,
  updater: (value: V) => V,
): MapDeep<KS, V>

Creates new nested maps structure from input map by updating value in the given keys path with the given callback updater().

  • Will do nothing and return input map if element in the given path does not exist. See else updateDefaultDeep() as opposite for this case.
  • Will return input map when nothing to change (t.i. when new value returned from updater() is identical to old value).
  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],

updateDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(1) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 21 },
//    }

updateDeep(input, ['y'], () => { throw new Error("Won't be called") }) === input;
// => true

updateDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], (v) => v) === input;
// => true

See also update(), updateDefaultDeep(), setDeep().


  map:          ReadonlyMap<K, V>,
  key:          K,
  defaultValue: V | D,
  updater:      (prev: V | D, key: K, map: ReadonlyMap<K, V>) => V,
): ReadonlyMap<K, V>

Creates new map from input map by updating value in the given key with the given callback updater(). The given defaultValue will be used as "old" value for the callback when then given key doesn't exist in the given map.

  • Will always call updater() callback. See else update() as opposite for this case.
  • Will return input map when nothing to change (t.i. when new value returned from updater() is identical to old value wherever it came from - existing value of key or defaultValue).
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, number> = new Map([['x', 10], ['y', 20]]);

updateDefault(input, 'y', 30, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(2) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 21 }

updateDefault(input, 'z', 30, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(3) { 'x' => 10, 'y' => 20, 'z' => 31 }

updateDefault(input, 'z', 0, (v) => v) === input;
// => true

See also set(), update(), updateDefaultDeep().


  map:          MapDeep<KS, V>,
  path:         KS,
  defaultValue: V,
  updater:      (value: V) => V,
): MapDeep<KS, V>

Creates new nested maps structure from input map by updating value in the given keys path with the given callback updater().

  • Will always call updater() callback. See else updateDeep() as opposite for this case.
  • Will return input map when nothing to change (t.i. when new value returned from updater() is identical to old value wherever it came from - existing value of key or defaultValue).
  • An empty path [] cause an error since function was designed for nested maps with fixed depth.
const input: ReadonlyMap<string, ReadonlyMap<string, number>> = new Map([
  ['x', new Map([
    ['a', 10],
    ['b', 20],

updateDefaultDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], 30, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(1) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 21 },
//    }

updateDefaultDeep(input, ['y', 'c'], 30, (v) => v + 1);
// => Map(2) {
//      'x' => Map(2) { 'a' => 10, 'b' => 20 },
//      'y' => Map(2) { 'c' => 31 },
//    }

updateDefaultDeep(input, ['x', 'b'], 0, (v) => v) === input;
// => true
updateDefaultDeep(input, ['y', 'c'], 0, (v) => v) === input;
// => true

See also updateDefault(), updateDeep(), setDeep().