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A React based image & video annotation tool

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A react based video & image annotating tool. See demo.

NPM Version License: MIT

Quick Start


Use npm to install the tool into your react project.

npm i react-annotation-tool --save


Two tools are available now. They are Image Annotation Tool (aka TwoDimensionalImage) and Video Annotation Tool (aka TwoDimensionalVideo) respectively. Import either one into your react component.

import {TwoDimensionalImage, TwoDimensionalVideo} from "react-annotation-tool"

Image Annotation Tool

This tool allows to annotate image with polygon. Users could create new taxonomy if they feel the annotated part of image is not fit into any default options. It is adopted by a CVPR 2019 paper, VizWiz-Priv: A Dataset for Recognizing the Presence and Purpose of Private Visual Information in Images Taken by Blind People.

Config Props

Prop Description Format Default
url Source of annotated image String
annotationWidth Set the width of image Number 400
dynamicOptions Enable annotators to add/delete menu options Boolean false
disabledOptionLevels The levels which can't be selected. Start from "1". Detail [String] []
category Category of the image String
categoryOptions Options for categories. Detail [String] []
menu A set of options for tagging the image. Detail Object
annotations Default annotations. Detail [Object] []
labeled Label the annotaions on the image Boolean false


Array of Integer. Start from "1". e.g,

[1, 2]


Array of String. e.g,

["No Objects", "No Image"]


Nested array of object. Each object has id, value and options properties. Must start from object with "root" value. e.g,

{id: "0", value: "root", options: [
   {id: "1", value: "Electronic", options: [
      {id: "1-1", value: "Laptop", options: [
         {id: "1-1-1", value: "Apple", options: []},         
         {id: "1-1-2", value: "Asus", options: []}  
      {id: "1-2", value: "Charger", options: []},
      {id: "1-3", value: "Watch", options: []}
   {id: "2", value: "Stationery", options: [
      {id: "2-1", value: "Pen", options: []},
      {id: "2-2", value: "Eraser", options: []}


[{id: "jlhbb0cr", name: "jlhbb0cr", color: "rgba(227,0,255,1)", vertices:
    [{id: "jlhbb0cr", name: "jlhbb0cr", x: 228.8125, y: 126}, 
     {id: "jlhbb0ng", name: "jlhbb0ng", x: 254.5, y: 131}, 
     {id: "jlhbb0uh", name: "jlhbb0uh", x: 269.5, y: 145}, 
     {id: "jlhbb11f", name: "jlhbb11f", x: 280.5, y: 173},
     {id: "jlhbb17w", name: "jlhbb17w", x: 286.5, y: 215}, 
     {id: "jlhbb1dw", name: "jlhbb1dw", x: 287.5, y: 249},
     {id: "jlhbb360", name: "jlhbb360", x: 220.5, y: 141}],
  selected: [{id: "0", value: "root"}, {id: "1", value: "Electronic"}, {id: "1-1", value: "Laptop"}]},
 {id: "jlhbb6tx", name: "jlhbb6tx", color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)", vertices:    
    [{id: "jlhbb6tx", name: "jlhbb6tx", x: 103.5, y: 345}, 
     {id: "jlhbb7hm", name: "jlhbb7hm", x: 354.5, y: 306},   
     {id: "jlhbb80e", name: "jlhbb80e", x: 385.5, y: 452}, 
     {id: "jlhbb8st", name: "jlhbb8st", x: 116.5, y: 479}],
  selected: [{id: "2", value: "Stationery"}, {id: "2-1", value: "Pen"}]}

Callback Props

Prop Description
onNextClick Called when Next button is clicked
onPreviousClick Called when Previous button is clicked
onSkipClick Called when Skip button is clicked


{url: "", 
 category: "Others", 
 annotationScaleFactor: 0.26666666666666666, /* annotation width divided by nature width */
 annotationWidth: 500, 
 annotationHeight: 400, 
 annotations: [{ id: "jluju651", name: "jluju651", color: "rgba(0,4,255,1)", 
                 vertices: [{id:"jluju651", name:"jluju651", x: 124.5625, y: 26}, 
                            {id:"jlujucus", name:"jlujucus", x: 139.296875, y: 22},        
                            {id:"jlujuf07", name:"jlujuf07", x: 148.296875, y: 21},
                            {id:"jlujugpw", name:"jlujugpw", x: 154.296875, y: 11}
                 selected: []},
               { id: "jlujvoym", name: "jlujvoym", color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)", 
                 vertices: [{id:"jlujvoym", name:"jlujvoym", x: 183.25, y: 202},
                            {id:"jlujvrw7", name:"jlujvrw7", x: 314.296875, y: 200.5},
                            {id:"jlujvtwu", name:"jlujvtwu", x: 316.296875, y: 290},
                            {id:"jlujvvhw", name:"jlujvvhw", x: 181.796875, y: 292.5}],
                 selected: [{id: "0", value: "root"}, {id: "1", value: "Electronic"}, {id: "1-1", value: "Laptop"}]}
 menu: { /*same as menu property*/ }


  • Refactorize all components.

Video Annotation Tool

Vidoe tool allows you to annotate object in videos via bounding box. The tool originally is designed for annotating cell videos.

Data Formats

Name Description
Annotation The basic unit of the annotation result.
Incident Each annotation contains mutiple incidents. Each incident records the time and some information (e.g., position, size, status...) when the annotation is manipulate by the users (e.g., split, move, resize...).
Parent(parentName) If you enable Split functionality, this property store the parent who generates current annotation.
Children(childrenNames) If you enable Split functionality, this property store the children belong to current annotation.


Prop Description Data Type Default
className String ''
url Video url String ''
defaultAnnotations Default annotations. Detail [Objects] []
videoWidth Video width Number 400
isDefaultAnnotationsManipulatable Allow users to edit default annotations Boolean false
previewHeader Header for preview String ''
previewNoticeList Content for preview [String] []
isEmptyCheckEnable Force users to annotate at least one object Boolean false
isSplitEnable Enable Split button for each annotation Boolean false
isShowHideEnable Enable Delete button for each annotation Boolean false
hasReview Enable review after users click submit button Boolean false
numAnnotationsToBeAdded Number of annotations users can be added Number 1000
onSubmit The callback function to handle submitted result Function ()=>{}
emptyCheckSubmissionWarningText Text for warming empty annotaion String ''
emptyCheckAnnotationItemWarningText Text for warming non-incident anntation String ''
emptyAnnotationReminderText Text for warming empty annotaion on the control panel String ''


  id: "jwzlwirv",
  name: "jwzlwirv",
  label: "1",
  color: "rgba(255,219,0,1)",
  parentName: "",
  childrenNames: ["jwzlwrh3","jwzlwrh4"],
   {x:198.25, y:137, width:101, height:99, time:0, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwirv", name:"jwzlwirv", label:""},   
   {x:235.25, y:190, width:73, height:68, time:0.07694, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwlzl", name:"jwzlwlzl", label:""},
   {x:235.25, y:190, width:73, height:68, time:0.11864, status:"Split", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""}
   id: "jwzlwrh3",
   name: "jwzlwrh3",
   label: "1-1",
   color: "rgba(0,255,81,1)",
   parentName: "jwzlwirv",
   childrenNames: [],
   incidents: [
    {x:235.25, y:190, width:36.5, height:34, time:0.11864, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""}, 
    {x:202.25, y:267, width:64.5, height:83, time:0.17467, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwy9h", name:"jwzlwy9h", label:""}
   id: "jwzlwrh4",
   name: "jwzlwrh4",
   label: "1-2",
   color: "rgba(0,255,81,1)",
   parentName: "jwzlwirv",
   childrenNames: [],
   incidents: [
    {x:251.75, y:204, width:36.5, height:34, time:0.11864, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwrh2", name:"jwzlwrh2", label:""}, 
    {x:298.75, y:242, width:51.5, height:54, time:0.17467, status:"Show", id:"jwzlwwpj", name:"jwzlwwpj", label:""}


  • Makes Split and Hide optional.
  • Enable other shapes (e.g., circle) to annotate.

Want to talk with me?

I am seeking for any sort of entrepreneurship and crowsourcing research opportunity. Please contact me.


A React based image & video annotation tool






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