Contracts used exclusively for testing. These are not considered part of Curve and so do not fall under the Curve license.
: Mintable ERC20 with mocked compound cToken lending functionalityERC20Mock
: Mintable ERC20 that returnsTrue
on successful callsERC20MockNoReturn
: Mintable ERC20 that returnsNone
on successful callsrenERC20
: Mintable ERC20 with mocked renBTC functionalityyERC20
: Mintable ERC20 with mocked yearn yToken lending functionality
All test tokens implement the following method to allow minting to arbitrary addresses during testing:
def _mint_for_testing(_target: address, _value: uint256) -> bool:
: Address to mint tokens to_value
: Number of tokens to mint
When called on a wrapped token, an amount of the underlying token is also minted at the wrapped token address in order to ensure unwrapping is possible.