Scans a directory for IMRT QA results.
This project has since been sponsored by the AAPM's IMRT Working Group. There is a new project here:
The new version does not have plotting built in, but we plan to use DVHA Stats to take care of that once enough testing has been done, and more vendors are added.
pip install iqdm
To scan a directory for IMRT QA report files and genereate a results .csv file:
iqdm <initial-scan-dir>
To launch a trending dashboard (and open the resulting link):
iqdm <results-csv-file-path>
usage: iqdm [-h] [-ie] [-od OUTPUT_DIR] [-rd RESULTS_DIR] [-all]
[-of OUTPUT_FILE] [-ver] [-nr] [-df] [-p PORT]
Command line interface for IQDM
positional arguments:
file_path Initiate scan if directory, launch dashboard if
results file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-ie, --ignore-extension
Script will check all files, not just ones with .pdf
-od OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output stored in local directory by default, specify
otherwise here
-rd RESULTS_DIR, --results-dir RESULTS_DIR
Results assumed to be stored in local directory by
default, specify otherwise here
-all, --process-all Process all identified report files, otherwise only
new reports will be analyzed
-of OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
Output will be saved as <report_type>_results_<time-
stamp>.csv by default. Define this tag to customize
file name after <report_type>_
-ver, --version Print the IQDM version
-nr, --no-recursive-search
Include this flag to skip sub-directories
-df, --day-first Assume day first for ambiguous dates in trending
-p PORT, --port PORT Specify port of trending dashboard webserver
-wo WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN, --allow-websocket-origin WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN
Allow a websocket origin other than localhost, see
bokeh documentation
This script was written specifically for SNC Patient and Delta4, but I'd be happy to include support for other vendors if someone could provide some anonymized example reports.
- Sun Nuclear: SNC Patient
- ArcCheck compatibility contributed by Marc Chamberland
- ScandiDos: Delta4
This is still in beta, but the reported csv data is largely correct (reported energy might be off). The class parses much more data (including individual beam results), but isn't currently in csv nor validated.
If you'd like to contribute code to support a new vendor, please create a new python file in the parsers directory containing a new class. This class should include the following to be compatible:
- identifiers
this is a list of strings that collectively and uniquely are found in a report type - columns
a list of strings indicating the columns of the csv to be output - csv
a string of values for each column, delimited with DELIMITER in - report_type
a string succinctly describing the report, this will be used in the results filename created in
- identifiers
- process_data(text_data)
processing the data does not occur until this is called
- process_data(text_data)