Taken from the original ManagedWifi project Codeplex Archive: https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=managedwifi
The library is still available through NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/managedwifi/
The author calls himself / herself: ikonst, NN The latest update dates back to May 2012.
This project is a .NET class library allowing you to control Wifi (802.11) network adapters installed in your Windows machine programmatically.
The library uses the Native Wifi API, available since Windows Vista and Windows XP SP2 (in a limited fashion, and only after applying a hotfix provided in KB article 918997). Older versions of Windows are not supported.
You can find sample code in the WifiExample directory.
This code was developed as part of our work at Monfort Software Engineering.
MIT License