Base example of an automation project to test APIs (BE)
Java + RestAssured + TestNG + mvn
- Make sure you have configured and installed java on your computer. JDK 1.8 should be okay. Resource:
- You will need maven as well. mvn guide:
- An IDE, like IntelliJ. If you are using Eclipse should be fine as well. (Make sure to download the Community version, no the Ultimate)
How to Run the tests:
- Make sure to import this project as a mvn project instead of just opening the main folder
- If you are using IntelliJ you may go to the Maven tab and update the project (Reload All Maven Projects - option), if you are using other IDE or no IDE at all go to the terminal/console, your project location and run:
mvn clean install
- Go to your project folder > AutomationApiProject > src/test/testngRunners/ > SingleTest.xml file > right click & run
- A new window will be opened and after a couple of ms you will get something like this:
Total tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Process finished with exit code 0
If you get a failure could be a simple endpoint error,
if you get an error make sure all the mvn dependencies/packages are fully installed before running (it could take some time)
Available Suites:
There are at least three types of regression suites in this project:
- Smoke test: /src/test/testngRunners/SingleTest.xml
- Sanity test: /src/test/testngRunners/SanityApiRegression.xml
- Full Regression: /src/test/testngRunners/FullApiRegression.xml
if you have already installed TestNG just need to right click > run 'Regression.xml' or to run all the tests use this file:
- testng.xml
To dig in a bit more - Main Library documentation:
- Github / Get Started: