This role will install Declarative Onboarding using F5's API. First we determine corrent tmos version and then if we have DO locally, if not the sha256 checksum is downloaded followed by
the DO rpm file from F5's Github site. Once downloaded and validated via sha256 checksum. Now focus is put on the F5 to see if DO exists, upon a 404 return (no DO installation exists)
the installation begins and is verified. Optionally you can delete the downloaded files.
Variables needed for this role include:
- DO version tag
- DO RPM version number
- DO checksum file name
- F5 management IP Address
- F5 Administrator username
- F5 Administrator passowrd
- Path to roles directory
doTag: "v1.13.0"
doRPM: "f5-declarative-onboarding-1.13.0-5.noarch.rpm"
doSha: "{{ doRPM + '.sha256'}}"
f5_mgmt: "{{ hostvars[groups['adc'][0]]['ansible_host'] }}"
e_user: "admin"
e_pass: "L3tm3Endaem0n"
roles_d: "."
user: "{{ e_user }}"
password: "{{ e_pass }}"
server: "{{ f5_mgmt }}"
validate_certs: no
- hosts: [adc]
gather_facts: no
connection: local
- f5_do_install
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).