The goal of our project was the reproduce the data preparation process performed by Mohanty et al. 2016
. Databases of images and labels formatted for caffe
will be created.
Study background Mohanty et al. used 54,306 images of healthy and infected leaves to train a deep convolution neural network to identify crop species and disease type. Their dataset includes images of leaves from 26 crops infected with 14 diseases (e.g. apple leaf with apple black rot), leading to 38 crop-disease combinations (i.e. labels).
In this tutorial, you will:
- Use the raw plant images, sorted into folders by label to create a list of images and labels for training and testing the model
- Input: raw plant images and
- Outputs: train.txt, test.txt
- Create a formatted database of train images (80% of the dataset) and test images (20% of the database)
- Inputs: train.txt, test.txt
- Outputs: train_db, test_db
We create two docker images for this task:
- jiannancai/caffeprep:latest, the dockerfile is in
; - jiannancai/databasegen:latest, the dockerfile is in
Recommended Jestream instance:
Centos 7(7.6) Development GUI v1.41 or ubuntu 18_04 Devel and Docker v1.22, m1.medium size
$ docker pull jiannancai/caffeprep:latest
$ docker pull jiannancai/databasegen:latest
$ docker volume create input_images
$ docker volume create database_caffe
git clone author's repo for raw plant images
$ docker run --rm --mount source=input_images,target=/input_images jiannancai/caffeprep:latest sh
$ docker run -it --rm --mount source=input_images,target=/input_images jiannancai/caffeprep:latest sh
Now you are inside the container
If you get the error "Key error: (some plant types)..." when running the following python code, please re-run it. It seems to be some randomness issue in author's python script.
$ python
Exit the container
$ exit
$ docker run -it --mount source=database_caffe,target=/database_caffe --mount source=input_images,target=/input_images jiannancai/databasegen:latest sh
Now you are inside the container
The following code converts test.txt to test_db
$ python -b lmdb -s -r squash -c 3 -e jpg -C gzip -m ../input_images/plantvillage_deeplearning_paper_dataset/lmdb/color-80-20/mean.binaryproto ../input_images/plantvillage_deeplearning_paper_dataset/lmdb/color-80-20/test.txt ../database_caffe/test_db 256 256
If you're interested in creating the train database (will take about 4x longer than test database):
$ python -b lmdb -s -r squash -c 3 -e jpg -C gzip -m ../input_images/plantvillage_deeplearning_paper_dataset/lmdb/color-80-20/mean.binaryproto ../input_images/plantvillage_deeplearning_paper_dataset/lmdb/color-80-20/train.txt ../database_caffe/train_db 256 256
Exit the container
$ exit
$ docker volume inspect database_caffe
Copy the path in "Mountpoints", which is the "path to your volume"
The outputs should be <train/test>_db
$ sudo ls <path to your volume>