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Conformance test for CKE

This document describes steps to run the conformance test for certified Kubernetes.

Prepare environment

  1. Prepare a Linux environment that runs on an x86_64 machine.
    • Prepare make, curl, and ssh-keygen commands.
    • The restriction of the architecture comes from the URL of Container Linux Config Transpiler in sonobuoy/Makefile . You would be able to use another type of machine with a better Makefile.
  2. Prepare a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account that can run 4 virtual machines.
    • Prepare gcloud command.

Checkout CKE source code

To test a certain CKE version, checkout the version tag:

$ git clone
$ cd cke
$ git checkout vX.Y.Z

Write down your GCP/GCE information

Edit the following lines in bin/env-sonobuoy to give information about your GCP account and GCE configuration. Please choose an appropriate ZONE to run C2 machine family VMs.


Run Sonobuoy

Run bin/ This script creates 4 GCE VMs, runs CKE on VM #0 by using docker compose, runs Kubernetes deployed by CKE on VM #1~#3, and runs Sonobuoy on VM #0.

$ env INSTANCE_NAME=sonobuoy-vm GITHUB_SHA=vX.Y.Z GITHUB_REPOSITORY=cybozu-go/cke ./bin/

When Sonobuoy finishes successfully, it leaves /tmp/sonobuoy.tar.gz file, which contains test results.


You can inspect the Sonobuoy environment by logging in VM #0.

$ gcloud compute ssh --project=PROJECT sonobuoy-vm-0

$ sudo su -
# cd go/src/
# export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.kubeconfig
# ./bin/sonobuoy logs
# ./bin/kubectl get pods -A


If the test fails, GCE VMs are left running for investigation. Please don't forget to stop and delete those VMs by yourself.