This project demonstrates the interaction between the different Spring Boot 3 technologies.
This module depends on spring-cloud-config-server and connects with a git repo to serve the configuration settings.
This module depends on spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-server where other services can register and be looked up.
This module depends on spring-cloud-starter-gateway. It is the gateway for all incoming requests and makes the necessary load balance forwarding to the actual service implementation.
This module depends on spring-cloud-starter-config to connect to the config server and spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client to register to the Eureka naming server.
It also depends on Webflux for providing a REST endpoint.
Make the folder /config-repo a git repo by going inside the folder and running the command below.
git init
The following modules should be run in the following order.
- config-server
- discovery-server
- mail-services
- api-gateway
This service runs on port 8001.
The actual URL is http://localhost:8001/mails/profiles/1
This service runs on port 8001. It simply forwards the request to the mail-services.
The actual URL is http://localhost:8000/mails/profiles/1