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Folders and files

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Part 1: Ingest and Storage

1. Create an S3 Bucket

In this step, we will navigate to S3 Console and create the S3 bucket used throughout this demo.

First, navigate to S3 Console & create a new bucket in us-east-1 region :

We now have an S3 bucket named YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket.

You have now set up an S3 bucket! What can you put into an S3 bucket?

In it, we will create a subfolder for storing data. We will use this folder structure for this lab series.

         ├── data/
         │     └── (raw_data)
         │     └── (reference_data)
         │     └── (training_data)
         └── (..other project assets: code etc.)

To create a subfolder,

  1. Click on the bucket name: YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket
  2. You are now looking at the contents of your bucket. It is currently empty.
  3. Click on ➕ Create folder
  4. Enter the value data into the text field.
    • You can choose AES-256 SSE with Amazon S3-Managed Keys for this step
    • Click on Save

You now have the above bucket structure.

2. Create a Kinesis Firehose delivery stream

In this step we will start streaming data into the S3, using Kinesis Firehose (FH).

** First, create a FH Delivery Stream. **

  • Open the Kinesis Console:

  • Amazon Kinesis consists of several services: Kinesis Data Streams, Kinesis Firehose, Kinesis Data Analytics and Kinesis Video Streams. Kinesis FH

  • To create a FH delivery stream, Click on Create delivery stream

    • Step 1: Name and source

      • Delivery stream name : aws-labseries-demo-stream
      • Source : Direct PUT or other sources
      • Click Next
    • Step 2: Process records

      • Record transformation : Disabled
      • Record format conversion: Disabled
      • Click Next
    • Step 3: Choose destination

      • Destination : Amazon S3
      • S3 bucket : YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket. You can select it from the dropdown.
      • Prefix : data/raw/
        • the backslash / after raw/ is important. Without it, your data will land in a outside of the intended folder.
      • Error prefix : error/
      • Click Next
    • Step 4: Configure settings

      • S3 buffer conditions: Buffer size: 1 (MB)
      • S3 buffer conditions: Buffer interval: 60 (sec)
      • S3 compression : Disabled
      • S3 encryption : Enabled
      • KMS master key: (Default)aws/s3
      • Error logging : Enabled
      • Tags (optional): Leave empty
      • IAM role : Click on Create new or Choose
        • This opens a new Tab to create an IAM Role. An IAM Role is the permission set used by Firehose to managed data.
        • IAM Role: Create a new IAM Role
        • Role Name: firehose_delivery_role (Leave as is)
        • Click on Allow.
      • You should be back in the Firehose tab. Click on Next to Review your setup.
    • Step 5: Review

      • Review the configuration as you have set it up.
      • To proceed with creating, click on Create delivery stream

You have now created a Firehose delivery stream that writes to an S3 bucket YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket Now, it is time to start streaming data into your s3 bucket.

3(A). Generate Dummy Data

In this step we will configure an application, Kinesis Data Generator to generate random data/event streams into our data lake.

CloudFormation is now creating a Cognito User you will use with the Data Generator.

You can view the created resources in the Resources tab.

When the Stack info status changes to to Create_Complete:

CFN Complete

Go to the Outputs tab. The Data Generator is deployed on the KinesisDataGeneratorUrl.

Kinesis Data Generator webpage

Click on this to open the Data Generator.

  • On Amazon Kinesis Data Generator homepage, Login with your username & password.

KDG Console

You can now start generating data/event streams for your Firehose delivery.

* Region: `us-east-1`
* Stream/delivery stream : `aws-labseries-demo-stream`
* Records per second : `2000`
* Record template: Use the json template below: 
  "uuid": "{{random.uuid}}",
  "device_ts": "{{date.utc("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS")}}",
  "device_id": {{random.number(50)}},
  "device_temp": {{random.weightedArrayElement(
    {"weights":[0.30, 0.30, 0.20, 0.20],"data":[32, 34, 28, 40]}
  "track_id": {{random.number(30)}},  
  "activity_type": {{random.weightedArrayElement(
            "weights": [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
            "data": ["\"Running\"", "\"Working\"", "\"Walking\"", "\"Traveling\"", "\"Sitting\""]

What does this data/message look like? What type of application could this send a data stream similar to this?

You're done! Click on Send Data to start sending data streams for Firehose!

Once the tools send ~ 100,000 messages, you can Stop sending data to Kinesis.

4(A) Validate that data has arrived in S3

Let's see if Firehose has successfully delivered data to your S3 bucket YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket.

  1. Open the S3 Console again:
    • Note that your region should be back to us-east-1
  • Open your bucket YOUR_USERNAME-datalake-demo-bucket and the data folder.
  • You will find a subfolder called raw. Click through the date-partitioned folders (2019 > 09 > 27 > 15) until you find a list of files named aws-labseries-demo-stream-xx-xx-xx.

Firehose output

  1. Open and view the contents of the data files.

    {  "uuid": "a040cdd7-cc47-435f-9e5e-938da65e59a3",  "device_ts": "2019-09-26 15:49:32.004",  "device_id": 19,  "device_temp": 34,  "track_id": 22,    "activity_type": "Sitting"}
    {  "uuid": "e5d411f7-daf2-4801-8153-ce9ea560d66d",  "device_ts": "2019-09-26 15:49:32.006",  "device_id": 10,  "device_temp": 32,  "track_id": 1,    "activity_type": "Walking"}

Extra Credit!

Let's try building a dashboard to visualize our log data. How can we find all unique activities with "device_id": 10?

  1. Sign up for Quicksight. Subscribe to the Enterprise plan. Signup .

  2. Enable auto-discover for S3 and select the datalake-demo-bucket you have created Add permissions

    Select bucket

  3. Add a data set. Go to Manage Data > New data set > S3

    1. Add a Data Source Name: My Firehose Log Data
    2. Upload a manifest file. You can use the provided qs-manifest.json. Download and edit the manifest file with the correct S3 bucket name.

    Edit manifest

    1. Upload the file to Quicksight and Connect
  4. Once completed, click Visualize.

  5. Select a Vertical Bar Chart. What does this graph tell you?

    Chart unfiltered

  6. From the left navigation, select on Filter. Add a filter using the + button.

    1. Select device_id > Filter List > Value 10
    2. Click Apply

    Add filter

  7. You now have a vertical bar chart which shows the activity distribution for all events that belong to "device_id" = 10!


More Credits

  1. Create your own custom data template to generate data streams similar to your current project applications. KDG extends from Faker.js. You can use this to generate stub names, timestamps, addresses etc.

  2. How can you send data from a simple web application such as a Wordpress website? Hint: Kinesis has Client Libraries in Java, Node, .NET, Python and Ruby or a Kinesis Agent package

    • Python Client Library Integration Sample ▶️
    • Configuring Kinesis Agent in Linux ▶️
    • Configuring Kinesis Agent in Windows ▶️

You're done!