How to get automated screen shots from IGV
!!!! IGV requires that all file paths be full. So when running on a mac start from /Users/...
python <sample_loc> <vcfFile_loc> <snapShot_loc> <batchFile_loc>
<sample_loc> Must be the path to a directory containing the .bam & .bai files of the samples you wish to load <vcfFile_loc> A .vcf file with the locations you wish to take screen shots of <snapShot_loc> Where you want the screen shots to be saved to <batchFile_loc> The location to write the igv batch file generated from the preceding information
Run the batch file in IGV
- Open IGV & load reference
- From the menu bar click "Tools --> Run Batch Script..." & navigate to the .txt file generated by
Example: python /Volumes/external/spirodelaBam/ /Users/Daniel/Documents/spirodela/data/CC3-3/vcfFiles/CC3-3_f10.vcf /Users/Daniel/Documents/spirodela/data/ /Users/Daniel/Documents/igvAuto/igvCommands.bat
Then run igvCommands.bat in IGV