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convert a repurposed subset of markdown syntax to valid TEI XML designed to be compatible with the IGNTP specifications

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Markdown for TEI Transcriptions - v 0.1

Project Goals

  1. Define a modified subset of markdown syntax
  2. Converts the markdown transcription into a TEI XML encoded document that is compatible with the ITSEE/INTF Online Transcription Editor.
  3. Produce JSON transcription files for use with the ITSEE Collation Editor


Using this Tool

  • Clone or download this repository and navigate to the root folder in a console window.
  • to convert the simple example, execute execute python -m examples/ This will use the default settings: the output file has the same name as the input file but the extension is changed to .xml and it is pretty printed.
  • Use the -o flag and add an output location, e.g. python -m examples/ -o my_file.xml
  • Use the -l flag to signal that the output file should be formatted according to the transcription lines, one transcription line per line in the file.
  • Use the -p flag to make remove unimportant whitespace (ideal for storage, not for reading).
  • To run the tests, execute python -m pytest from the root folder.

Repurposed and Modified Syntax | Simple Example

markdown text

# A Simple Transcription Example
## FirstName LastName
### 2021-05-12
#### Romans
##### 11
<pb n="323v"/>
<lb/> words are tokenized
<lb/><v n="5">shortcut tag for verse unit
<lb/> [supp]lied [text] in brackets
<lb/> unclear `text` in back`ticks`
<lb/> some text followed by commentary <comm/>
<comm lines="3"/>
<lb/> **marginalia in double-asterisks**
<lb/> a word bro-
<lb n="8"/>ken over two lines
<lb/> {unencoded notes in braces}
<lb/> *encoded editer's note in single asterisks*
<lb/> ++ corrcdet tetx | corrected text ++
<lb/> add attributes to an `element`{reason='damage to page'}</v>

rendered TEI

<TEI xmlns="">
                <title type="document">A Simple Transcription Example</title>
                    <resp when-iso="2021-05-12">Transcribed by</resp>
                    <name type="person">FirstName LastName</name>
    <text xml:lang="grc">
            <div type="book" n="B06">
                <div type="chapter" n="B06K11">
                    <pb n="323v" type="folio"/>
                    <lb/><ab n="B06K11V5"><w>shortcut</w><w>tag</w><w>for</w><w>verse</w><w>unit</w>
                    <lb/><w>some</w><w>text</w><w>followed</w><w>by</w><w>commentary</w><note type="commentary">untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><seg type="margin">marginalia in double-asterisks</seg>
                    <lb n="8"/>ken</w><w>over</w><w>two</w><w>lines</w>
                    <lb/>{unencoded notes in braces}
                    <lb/><note type="local">encoded editer's note in single asterisks</note>
                    <lb/><app><rdg type="orig" hand="firsthand"><w>corrcdet</w><w>tetx</w></rdg><rdg type="corr" hand="corrector"><w>corrected</w><w>text</w></rdg></app>
                    <lb/><w>add</w><w>attributes</w><w>to</w><w>an</w><w><unclear reason="damage to page">element</unclear></w></ab>

A Real Example

markdown text

# A Transcription of GA 1506 {n='31506'} 
## David A Flood, II
### 2020-09-12
#### Romans
##### 11
<pb n="323v"/>
<comm lines="8"/>
<lb n="9"/><comm/><v n="4">αλλα τι λεγει αυτω ο χρ[η]μα-
<lb n="10"/>τισμος . κατεληψα εμαυτω επτακισχιλιους ανδρας οιτινες ουκ ε-
<lb n="11"/>καμψαν γωνοι τη βαλ *expected βααλ*</v><v n="5">ουτως ουν και εν τω ν̣υ̣ν καιρω λημμα 
<lb n="12"/>κατ εκλογη`ν` [χαρι]τος γεγονεν</v>
<comm lines="5"/>
<lb n="18"/><v n="6">`ε`ι δε χ`αρ`ι`τ`ι ουκ`ε`τι ε`ξ`{reason="see note"} εργ[ω]ν επ[ει] [η] χ`α`ρις [ου]κ `ε`τι γιν[ε]τ[αι] χαρις *this line is difficult to read because the reverse-side commentary is more visible than the front-facing lemma*
<comm lines="4"/>

rendered TEI

<TEI xmlns="">
                <title n="31506" type="document">A Transcription of GA 1506</title>
                    <resp when-iso="2020-09-12">Transcribed by</resp>
                    <name type="person">David A Flood, II</name>
    <text xml:lang="grc">
            <div type="book" n="B06">
                <div type="chapter" n="B06K11">
                    <pb n="323v" type="folio"/>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb n="9"/><note type="commentary">untranscribed commentary text</note><ab n="B06K11V4"><w>αλλα</w><w>τι</w><w>λεγει</w><w>αυτω</w><w>ο</w><w>χρ<supplied>η</supplied>μα
                    <lb n="10"/>τισμος</w><pc><w>.</w></pc><w>κατεληψα</w><w>εμαυτω</w><w>επτακισχιλιους</w><w>ανδρας</w><w>οιτινες</w><w>ουκ</w><w>ε
                    <lb n="11"/>καμψαν</w><w>γωνοι</w><w>τη</w><w>βαλ</w><note type="local">expected βααλ</note></ab><ab n="B06K11V5"><w>ουτως</w><w>ουν</w><w>και</w><w>εν</w><w>τω</w><w>ν̣υ̣ν</w><w>καιρω</w><w>λημμα</w>
                    <lb n="12"/>κατ<w>εκλογη<unclear>ν</unclear></w><w><supplied>χαρι</supplied>τος</w><w>γεγονεν</w></ab>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb n="18"/><ab n="B06K11V6"><w><unclear>ε</unclear>ι</w><w>δε</w><w>χ<unclear>αρ</unclear>ι<unclear>τ</unclear>ι</w><w>ουκ<unclear>ε</unclear>τι</w><w>ε<unclear reason="see note">ξ</unclear></w><w>εργ<supplied>ω</supplied>ν</w><w>επ<supplied>ει</supplied></w><w><supplied>η</supplied></w><w>χ<unclear>α</unclear>ρις</w><w><supplied>ου</supplied>κ</w><w><unclear>ε</unclear>τι</w><w>γιν<supplied>ε</supplied>τ<supplied>αι</supplied></w><w>χαρις</w>
                        <note type="local">
                            this line is difficult to read because the reverse-side commentary is more visible than the front-facing lemma
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note>
                    <lb/><note type="commentary">One line of untranscribed commentary text</note><note type="commentary">untranscribed commentary text</note></ab>

Rendered TEI is valid and can be uploaded to the ITSEE Online Transcription Editor

This is above example loaded into the ITSEE Transcription Editor itsee online transcription editor screenshot


convert a repurposed subset of markdown syntax to valid TEI XML designed to be compatible with the IGNTP specifications







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