Nozomi is a Discord bot made by WarGamer for the online browser game Politics and War.
- Nation and Alliance search
- Finds best counters for your raiders
- New war monitor
- New applicant monitor
- Analyze a nation
- Notifier for nations that leave beige or VM in 1 turn
- Nation Alliance Tracker
- Raid finder
The bot with the current features works very well.
Slight problem: You need to configure it and host it on your own.
I run my own instance of the bot on 500mb RAM server. I highly recommend Heroku for hosting the bot. It's free for 500mb (needs your credit card tho... pretty safe).
Click the "Deploy to Heroku" button on top to deploy to Heroku. dabs
Possible but not recommended. Anyways you'll just have to clone the repo, build it using maven, configure .env variable that includes setting up the Database.
Not that hard if you've played with such stuff before.
Fork. Make a branch. Make changes. Start PR.
Author: Adorable-SkullMaster