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Module: OS

Daniel Kang edited this page Jan 18, 2019 · 3 revisions
os := import("os") // variable name doesn't have to be 'os'

Module Variables

  • o_rdonly: equivalent of Go's os.O_RDONLY
  • o_wronly: equivalent of Go's os.O_WRONLY
  • o_rdwr: equivalent of Go's os.O_RDWR
  • o_append: equivalent of Go's os.O_APPEND
  • o_create: equivalent of Go's os.O_CREATE
  • o_excl: equivalent of Go's os.O_EXCL
  • o_sync: equivalent of Go's os.O_SYNC
  • o_trunc: equivalent of Go's os.O_TRUNC
  • mode_dir: equivalent of Go's os.ModeDir
  • mode_append: equivalent of Go's os.ModeAppend
  • mode_exclusive: equivalent of Go's os.ModeExclusive
  • mode_temporary: equivalent of Go's os.ModeTemporary
  • mode_symlink: equivalent of Go's os.ModeSymlink
  • mode_device: equivalent of Go's os.ModeDevice
  • mode_named_pipe: equivalent of Go's os.ModeNamedPipe
  • mode_socket: equivalent of Go's os.ModeSocket
  • mode_setuid: equivalent of Go's os.ModeSetuid
  • mode_setgui: equivalent of Go's os.ModeSetgid
  • mode_char_device: equivalent of Go's os.ModeCharDevice
  • mode_sticky: equivalent of Go's os.ModeSticky
  • mode_irregular: equivalent of Go's os.ModeIrregular
  • mode_type: equivalent of Go's os.ModeType
  • mode_perm: equivalent of Go's os.ModePerm
  • seek_set: equivalent of Go's os.SEEK_SET
  • seek_cur: equivalent of Go's os.SEEK_CUR
  • seek_end: equivalent of Go's os.SEEK_END
  • path_separator: equivalent of Go's os.PathSeparator
  • path_list_separator: equivalent of Go's os.PathListSeparator
  • dev_null: equivalent of Go's os.DevNull

Module Functions

  • args() => array(string): returns os.Args
  • chdir(dir string) => error: port of os.Chdir function
  • chmod(name string, mode int) => error : port of Go's os.Chmod function
  • chown(name string, uid int, gid int) => error : port of Go's os.Chown function
  • clearenv() : port of Go's os.Clearenv function
  • environ() => array(string) : port of Go's os.Environ function
  • executable() => string/error: port of Go's os.Executable() function
  • exit(code int) : port of Go's os.Exit function
  • expand_env(s string) => string : port of Go's os.ExpandEnv function
  • getegid() => int : port of Go's os.Getegid function
  • getenv(s string) => string : port of Go's os.Getenv function
  • geteuid() => int : port of Go's os.Geteuid function
  • getgid() => int : port of Go's os.Getgid function
  • getgroups() => array(string)/error : port of Go's os.Getgroups function
  • getpagesize() => int : port of Go's os.Getpagesize function
  • getpid() => int : port of Go's os.Getpid function
  • getppid() => int : port of Go's os.Getppid function
  • getuid() => int : port of Go's os.Getuid function
  • getwd() => string/error : port of Go's os.Getwd function
  • hostname() => string/error : port of Go's os.Hostname function
  • lchown(name string, uid int, gid int) => error : port of Go's os.Lchown function
  • link(oldname string, newname string) => error : port of Go's os.Link function
  • lookup_env(key string) => string/false: port of Go's os,LookupEnv function
  • mkdir(name string, perm int) => error : port of Go's os.Mkdir function
  • mkdir_all(name string, perm int) => error : port of Go's os.MkdirAll function
  • readlink(name string) => string/error : port of Go's os.Readlink function
  • remove(name string) => error : port of Go's os.Remove function
  • remove_all(name string) => error : port of Go's os.RemoveAll function
  • rename(oldpath string, newpath string) => error : port of Go's os.Rename function
  • setenv(key string, value string) => error : port of Go's os.Setenv function
  • symlink(oldname string newname string) => error : port of Go's os.Symlink function
  • temp_dir() => string : port of Go's os.TempDir function
  • truncate(name string, size int) => error : port of Go's os.Truncate function
  • unsetenv(key string) => error : port of Go's os.Unsetenv function
  • user_cache_dir() => string/error : port of Go's os.UserCacheDir function
  • create(name string) => File/error: port of Go's os.Create function
  • open(name string) => File/error: port of Go's os.Open function
  • open_file(name string, flag int, perm int) => File/error: port of Go's os.OpenFile function
  • find_process(pid int) => Process/error: port of Go's os.FindProcess function
  • start_process(name string, argv array(string), dir string, env array(string)) => Process/error: port of Go's os.StartProcess function

File Functions

file := os.create("myfile")
file.write_string("some data")
  • chdir() => true/error: port of os.File.Chdir function
  • chown(uid int, gid int) => true/error: port of os.File.Chown function
  • close() => error: port of os.File.Close function
  • name() => string: port of os.File.Name function
  • readdirnames() => array(string)/error: port of os.File.Readdirnames function
  • sync() => error: port of os.File.Sync function
  • write(bytes) => int/error: port of os.File.Write function
  • write_string(string) => int/error: port of os.File.WriteString function
  • read(bytes) => int/error: port of os.File.Read function
  • chmod(mode int) => error: port of os.File.Chmod function
  • seek(offset int, whence int) => int/error: port of os.File.Seek function

Process Functions

proc := start_process("app", ["arg1", "arg2"], "dir", [])
  • kill() => error: port of os.Process.Kill function
  • release() => error: port of os.Process.Release function
  • signal(signal int) => error: port of os.Process.Signal function
  • wait() => ProcessState/error: port of os.Process.Wait function

ProcessState Functions

proc := start_process("app", ["arg1", "arg2"], "dir", [])
stat := proc.wait()
pid :=
  • exited() => bool: port of os.ProcessState.Exited function
  • pid() => int: port of os.ProcessState.Pid function
  • string() => string: port of os.ProcessState.String function
  • success() => bool: port of os.ProcessState.Success function
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