#Integrating Security in a Large Distributed Environment
- Walk up to any workstation in the campus and be able to access your data
- Similar to cloud + mobile devices today!
- Client workstations, are called Virtues in here
- Virtues connect to LAN (insecure link)
- LAN contains Servers (Vice) which talk with one another (secure link)
- Since Virtues to LAN connection is insecure, it should be encrypted
- Process Venus runs on workstation for user authentication and client caching
- Venus authenticates and fetches the files using RPC to the Vices
- RPC connections are encrypted via symmetric keys (only private keys, so paasswords for example)
- Authenticate users
- Authenticate servers
- Prevent replay attacks
- Isolate users info from one another
- The identity of the sender has to be sent in cleartext in this scenario
- username and password are only for login into a workstation
- in order to not expose those 2 keys very often, for the next RPC calls:
- ephemeral ID and keys are used for authentication
- login -> username, password
- RPC session establishment
- file system access during session
- virtue sends username/pw to vice
- vice returns secret token and clear token
- virtue extracts handshake key client (hkc) from cleartoken
- for the duration of the login session, hkc can be used as private key
- secret token is the cleartoken encrypted with key only known to vice
- secret token is unique for this login session
- can be used as an ephemeral client_id for this login session
clientIdentity, E[X0,HKC] (sent from client to server)
- clientIdentity is cleartext, and it's the secret token
- X0 is a random #, new for each RPC
- HKC was extracted from the cleartoken
E[(Xr+1, Yr), HKS] (sent from server to client, prove server genuinity)
- client can decrypt this message by using HKC
- Once decrypted, client will see x0+1 which proves it's a response from the server
- keep in mind only the server could know what x0 is, so x+1 proves its genuine
- Yr is a random number generated by server, similar to Xo
E[(Yr + 1), HKC] (sent from client to server, prove client genuinity)
- only the client knows about Yr, so sending Yr+1 proves its really the client
This trick of sending random nubmers by Xr and Yr, helps avoiding replay attacks
E[(SK, seq_num), HKS] (sent from server to client)
- SK is used as the handshake key for the rest of the RPC session with server
- SK stands for session key
- seq_num is a trick against replay attacks, allows client and server to know the order of the RPC sessions
- password is used as the HKC
- Username used for clientIdent
- gets back two tokens, secretToken/clearToken encrypted with password
- username, pw is exposed only once per login session
- HKC only used for a new RPC session, and its duration is for the login sesion
- secret token and session key useless after user logs out
- session key is valid only for one RPC session, can't be reused
- mutual suspicion (of server by client and viceversa) - good
- authentication both ways - good
- server integrity (NO)
- Protection from system for users (NO) - gotta trust the server...
- Confinement of resource usage (NO) - gotta trust the user... DOS attacks