- NN trained as a classifier to predict satisfiability can be used to solve SAT problems
- Generalizes to novel distributions
- SAT problem is NP-complete. Searching for any kind of efficiently-checkable certificate in any context can be reduced to a SAT formula.
- In practice the problem comes up in hardware verification, test pattern generation, scheduling, etc...
- Modern SAT solvers based on backtracking solve these extremely well with millions of variables
- 1 bit of supervision to say satisfiabile or not. Solution can be decoded from the neural activations
- (x1 v x2 v x3) ∧ ¬(x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x3) is satisfiable as you can evaluate to 1 as long as x1, x2 and x3 are not the same
- Formulas need to be drilled down to CNF