- Online variational Bayes algorithm for training LDA
- Stochastic optimization with natural gradient step
- Studied fitting 100-topic model to 3.3M articles from Wikipedia
- Hierarchical Bayesian modeling has become a mainstay
- Bayesian models encode assumptions about observed data and analysis proceeds upon exploring posterior distribution of model parameters
- For topic modeling, the posterior is intractable so many researchers just approximate it through sampling or approximation approaches
- Sampling: Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Optimization: Variational Bayes
- Assumes a collection of K topics, where each topic has a multinomial distribution over the vocabulary, which is assumed to have been drawn from a Direchlet distribution
- Generative process for LDA:
- Draw a distribution over topics theta_d - Direchlet(alpha)
- For each word in the document, draw a topic index from the topic weights and draw the observeed word from each topic
- Sum all of the topic assignments z: result is that we have the probability of a word being in a certain topic
- Think of LDA as a factorization of the matrix of word counts n into a matrix of topic weights theta and a dictionary of topics beta