An High-Level wrapper of libtommath written in Nim.
import pkg/tommath
let a = initBigInt(10) # Load from regular int
let b = initBigInt("A", 16) # Load from string (Hex)
echo a + b # add
echo a * b # multiply
echo initBigInt("-99946744073709551615").toString(2) # Load from string (Decimal) and print as binary
- Portable: This library compiles libtommath directly, so the end-user doesn't need to install it on the system.
- Open License: Unlike GMP, libtommath is under the public domain, which makes the distribution process less complicated.
- Performant: While there are native implementations of Big Integers in Nim, they are not fully optimized. This becomes important when we want to deal with very large numbers (2048+bits). This library instead uses fast algorithms that reduce the complexity of operations.
- Easy to use: An high-level interface is provided by default, which makes libtommath much easier to use.
Use nimble to install the library:
nimble install
If you want to access the low-level API, you can use the raw
import pkg/tommath/raw
var mp: MpInt
discard mp_init_i64(addr mp, 2342543)
var mp2: MpInt
discard mp_init_i64(addr mp2, 1000000)
var mp3: MpInt
discard mp_init(addr mp3)
discard mp_add(addr mp, addr mp2, addr mp3)
var outp: string
var size: csize_t
discard mp_radix_size(addr mp3, 10, addr size)
discard mp_to_radix(addr mp3, cstring(outp), cint(size), nil, 10)
echo outp
mp_clear(addr mp)
mp_clear(addr mp2)
mp_clear(addr mp3)
If you want to use the system's libtommath, compile your program with -d:useExternalTommath
nim c -d:useExternalTommath myprogram.nim
This wrapper is rather incomplete, so feel free to open pull requests if you are interested!