A blueprint notebook showcasing Pipecat AI and NIM in the creation of an AI voice agent. It uses the meta/llama-3.3-70b-instruct
LLM model and Riva for STT & TTS. This a launchable on the brev platform.
Pipecat AI is an open-source framework for building voice and multimodal conversational agents. Pipecat simplifies the complex voice-to-voice AI pipeline, and lets developers build AI capabilities easily and with Open Source, commercial, and custom models. The framework was developed by Daily, a company that has provided real-time video and audio communication infrastructure since 2016. It is fully vendor neutral and is not tightly coupled to Daily's infrastructure.
Below is the architecture diagram of the system running on brev:
This notebook can be run on brev or on a local machine.
Launch from here
python3.12 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv --display-name "Python3.12"
Add NVIDIA API key to .env
cp example.env .env
# ... edit .env
python -m jupyter notebook
Navigate to http://localhost:8888/notebooks/001-hello-pipecat-nim.ipynb
For convenience, a standalone pipecat can be found here. Edit the system prompt in a separate file in ./prompts/ and then update the prompt.txt symlink.
source .env
python3.12 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install "pipecat-ai[daily,openai,riva,silero]" noaa_sdk python-dotenv
python 001-hello-pipecat-nim.py