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dainiuskreivenas edited this page Oct 29, 2019
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Rules are consturcted in the following sytanx:
'("{name}", {conditions}, {operations})'
- {name} - is the name of the rule
- {conditions} - is an array of conditions for the rule:
- condition syntax: ({positive}, "{name}", {properties}, {binding)
- {positive} - bool determines if the conditons has to be true or false
- {name} - name of the fact group
- {properties} - is a tuple of fact properties
- can be any value
- "?" - symbol matches any value
- "?var" - matches any value, keeps it for operations under the same name
- {binding} - used for retractions to specify which fact to retract (see below)
- condition syntax: ({positive}, "{name}", {properties}, {binding)
- {operations} - there 2 different operations:
- assert - turns on state, syntax: ("assert",("{name}",{properties})):
- {name} - name of the fact group
- {properties} - is a tuple of fact properties
- can be any value
- "?var" - will use a value found in preconditions
- retract - turns off state, syntax ("retract","{binding}")
- {binding} - name of the condition that matches the fact (see above)
- assert - turns on state, syntax: ("assert",("{name}",{properties})):
(True, "monkey-can-reach", ("banana",), "a")
("assert", ("monkey-has", ("banana",))),
("retract", "a")
+,-,/,* Operations can be perfomed in Test conditions and Asserting new items.
("assert, ("factName", (("+",2,2),"Attribute2")))
Will assert a fact: ("factName", (4,"Attribute"))
Test conditions perform checks against values or rule variables.
("test", ({operator},{leftValue},{rightValue}))
- {operator} - <,>,=,<>
- {leftValue} - left value of the test operation
- {rightValue} - right value of the test operation
("test", ("<", 1, 2))
Similary, the attribute values in the Assert statements can be calculated values:
("test",({operator},({calcOperator}, {leftValue}, {rightValue1}),{rightValue2}))
- {operator} - <,>,=,<>
- ({calcOperator}, {leftValue}, {rigthValue}) - left value of Test operation
- {calcOperator} - +,-,/,*
- {leftValue} - left value of calculation
- {rightValue} - right value of calculation
- {rightValue2} - right value of Test Operation
("test", ("<", ("-", 2, 1), 2))