Once you have liquibase and database dependency in place, Spring Boot will autoconfigure it and override defaults if any configuration is provided.
This application has db console available on [url] (http://localhost:8585/h2-console) What is liquibase?
Liquibase is an open source database independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
Find more details [Here] (http://www.liquibase.org/)
Major Concepts
- Changelog file - contains all change sets
- Change set - Identified by id and its author. Every time liquibase is run it queries DATABASECHANGELOG to find out the changelogs to be executed.
- Changes - A single unit of change to be applied in database
- Preconditions - execute change sets only if pre-conditions are met. e.g. database is oracle and user is system.
- Contexts - context are useful when you want to execute change sets per client or environment wise.
Best Practices: http://www.liquibase.org/bestpractices.html
Websocket support
Events are pushed to REST endpoing which will publish to registered websocket clients.
URL: http://localhost:8585/events (method = POST)
- SockJS
- Spring WebSockets
Sample event feed (Use postman to post it through above mentioned URL): { "logTimestamp": "2016-04-09T23:28:56.782Z", "deviceId": "01:ff:02:rr:03:38", "domain": "facebook.com" }
Command to ./logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/first-pipeline.conf