Releases: daleclack/My_GtkUi
My GtkUI 7.9
My Gtk UI 7.8
Make dpi scale settings auto apply to all window
My Gtk UI 7.7
Update: Add support for different DPI Settings
Add more resolution options.
Change the method for pre-defined resolution options and custom resolution.
My GtkUI 7.6
Update: Convert internal image to png format, and add a image (Nekoha Shizuku).
Adjust some default config.
My GtkUI Classic Patch 1
Update: The color of toppanel will be adjusted by the color of background image.
My GtkUI 7.5
Add support for icon of other dock position.
My GtkUI 5.12
Add support for icon of other dock position.
My GtkUI 5.11
This is a emergency fix edition.
Due the removal of xpm format support of gdk-pixbuf2, the old version of My GtkUI will not start.
The images are convert to png to fix the issue.
My GtkUI Classic
This release is aimed to continue the classic build of My GtkUI, which has started since 2021, and migrated to Gtk 4 in the December 2021 and January 2022.
With the release of My GtkUI MacUI Edition, the 4.x builds have become the My GtkUI Flos Edition.
Because the last build of the classic edition is 4.2, and 5.x and 7.x are other builds, so the version number is 6.3.
My GtkUI 7.4
Fix the window minimize problem for wayland protocol, and fix the icon for text editor.