Check all Vega project versions are up-to-date. See NOTES_FOR_MAINTAINERS.md
Make sure to have an environment set up with
installed. See CONTRIBUTING.md. Remove any existing environments managed byhatch
so that it will create new ones with the latest dependencies when executing the commands further below:hatch env prune
Make certain your branch is in sync with head, and that you have no uncommitted modifications. If you work on a fork, replace
:git checkout main git pull origin main git status # Should show "nothing to commit, working tree clean"
Do a clean doc build:
hatch run doc:clean-all hatch run doc:build-html hatch run doc:serve
Navigate to http://localhost:8000 and ensure it looks OK (particularly do a visual scan of the gallery thumbnails).
Create a new release branch:
git switch -c version_5.0.0
Update version to, e.g. 5.0.0:
- in
- in
- in
Commit changes and push:
git add . -u git commit -m "chore: Bump version to 5.0.0" git push
Merge release branch into main, make sure that all required checks pass
On main, build source & wheel distributions. If you work on a fork, replace
:git switch main git pull origin main hatch clean # clean old builds & distributions hatch build # create a source distribution and universal wheel
publish to PyPI (Requires correct PyPI owner permissions):
hatch publish
build and publish docs (Requires write-access to altair-viz/altair-viz.github.io):
hatch run doc:publish-clean-build
On main, tag the release. If you work on a fork, replace
:git tag -a v5.0.0 -m "Version 5.0.0 release" git push origin v5.0.0
Create a new branch:
git switch -c maint_5.1.0dev
Update version and add 'dev' suffix, e.g. 5.1.0dev:
- in
- in
- in
Commit changes and push:
git add . -u git commit -m "chore: Bump version to 5.1.0dev" git push
Merge maintenance branch into main
Double-check that a conda-forge pull request is generated from the updated pip package by the conda-forge bot (may take up to several hours): https://github.com/conda-forge/altair-feedstock/pulls
Publish a new release in https://github.com/vega/altair/releases/