This repository covers my participation in the courses
✔️ RWTH Computer Vision (2018)
✔️ RWTH Artificial Neural Networks (2019)
✔️ RWTH Machine Learning (2019)
✔️ RWTH Data Mining in the Domain of Technical Processes (2019)
✔️ Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree (2020)
✔️ Coursera Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals (2020)
✔️ Coursera Reinforcement Learning: Sample-based Learning Methods (2020)
✔️ Deep Q Learning (2021)
The courses cover the tiers of machine learning regularly recognized today:
Studying labeled data, these techniques can extend patterns to unlabeled data. Classification: Categorial Outcomes Regression: Numeric Outcomes Deep learning can be used within supervised machine learning to create techniques that are better at image recognition or identifying when a movie was created based on the video footage.
By learning patterns even when data do not have labels, these techniques can group items together that are likely to be similar.
By rewarding actions, these techniques focus on finding a balance between exploration (of uncharted territory) and exploitation (of current knowledge).
- 1: Hodgkin-Huxley
- 2: Integrate-And-Fire
- 3: Transmitter-activated ion channels
- 4: Synaptic Plasticity
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Linear Regression
- 3: Perceptron Algorithm
- 4: Decision Trees
- 5: Naive Bayes
- 6: Support Vector Machines
- 7: Ensemble Methods
- 8: Model Evaluation Metrics
- 9: Training and Tuning
- 10: Project: Income Prediction
- 11: Genetic Algorithms
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Gradient Descent
- 3: Training Techniques
- 4: TensorFlow Usage
- 5: Project: Image Classification
- 6: Convolutional Neural Networks CNN
- 7: Recurrent Neural Networks RNN
- 1: K-Means Clustering
- 2: Hierarchical and Density Clustering
- 3: Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering
- 4: Dimensionality Reduction and PCA
- 5: Random Projection and ICA
- 6: Project: Customer Segment Identification
- 7: Self-Organizing Map SOM
- 8: Adaptive Resonance Theory ART
- 9: Pulse-coupled Neural Networks PCNN
- 1: Exploration-Exploitation Trade-Off
- 2: Markov Decision Processes
- 3: Value Functions & Bellman Equations
- 4: Dynamic Programming
- 5: Monte Carlo Methods
- 6: Temporal Difference Learning
- 7: SARSA & Q-Learning
- 8: Dyna Architecture
- 9: Neural Network Function Approximation
- 10: Deep Q-Learning DQN