I used ChimeraX to visualize virus capsid data from the Protein DataBank (PDB), and export .glb files
Then, I used react-three-fiber to render 3d components, @react-three/cannon to simulate physics, and gltfjsx to turn .glb files into .jsx React components.
Spiroplasma SPV4
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Chicken Pox (Varicella Zoster)
Click a virus to see it in the Protein DataBank!
- react-three-gui - quick GUI controls for any variable
- zustand - simple global state managemer
In ChimeraX, you can type commands in the terminal at the bottom.
color radial all palette Spectral-1
- colour all atoms radially, with the Spectral-1 palettesurface all resolution 6
= surface-render each atom with a sphere of radius 6 Angstroms (Å)windowsize 640 640
- set viewport to 640 width and height
inspired by BioVisions - Inner Life of the Cell | Protein Packing and Skeptics Guide podcast