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Daniel Pope edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 9 revisions

Development of trntxt happens mostly during hack nights run by CodeHub Bristol. They occur every other Tuesday.

I'll try and keep this page updated with stuff I plan on doing. Try being the important word there - I'll probably forget about it next time.

Anyway, here are my plans for these evenings:


I'm fairly sure I've been to quite a few hack nights since mid-August...

  • Replace json-pretty library with JSON.stringify(obj,undefined,2)
  • Suggest a licence for json-pretty
  • Save NRE responses to Mongo


  • Add 'Did you mean?' results #23


  • Have a look at the csv-string library to load the stations synchronously using fs.readFileSync() and sending the output to csv-string. Make sure this library can deal with commas inside quotes (might want to add a test to verify this).

"Heathrow Airport Terminals 1, 2 and 3",HXX should become {"stationName":"Heathrow Airport Terminals 1, 2 and 3","stationCode":"HXX"}

  • Set up Travis Git Hook with Gitter
  • Use Jade to render the routes (#20) Finished after the evening


  • When no services are returned, explain that buses and composite routes aren't supported yet, rather than just saying "No services found"
  • Set up a test framework
  • Sort out the 'undefined' arrival time (#15)
  • Start looking at using Jade to render the routes (#20)
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