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IoT Agent API

The IoT Agent node library offers a simple REST API which provides common functionality to access, provision and decommission devices.

About API

A GET request to the /iot/about path, will return a payload similar to the following:

    "libVersion": "2.7.0",
    "port": "4041",
    "baseRoot": "/",
    "version": "1.7.0"

the version field will be read from the iotaVersion field of the config, if it exists. It can be used as a heartbeat operation to check the health of the IoT Agent if required.

Service Group API

For some services, there will be no need to provision individual devices, but it will make more sense to provision different service groups, each of one mapped to a different type of entity in the context broker. How the type of entity is assigned to a device will depend on the Southbound technology (e.g.: path, port, APIKey...). Once the device has an assigned type, its configuration values can be extracted from those of the type.

The IoT Agents provide two means to define those service groups:

  • Static Type Configuration: configuring the ngsi.types attribute within the config.js file.
  • Dynamic Configuration API: making use of the API URLs in the configuration URI, /iot/services. Please, note that the configuration API manage servers under a URL that requires the parameter to be set (the name of the IoT Agent we are using). If no name is configured default is taken as the default one.

Both approaches provide the same configuration information for the types and end up in the same configuration collection, they are described in the sections below.

The following sections show the available operations for the Configuration API. Every operation in the API require the fiware-service and fiware-servicepath to be defined; the operations are performed in the scope of those headers. For the list case, the special wildcard servicepath can be specified, /*. In this case, the operation applies to all the subservices of the service given by the fiware-service header.

For every service group, the pair (resource, apikey) must be unique (as it is used to identify which group to assign to which device). Those operations of the API targeting specific resources will need the use of the resource and apikey parameters to select the appropriate instance.

Note that there is a 1:1 correspondence between payload fields and DB fields (but with some changes in the attribute naming; e.g.: subservice -> service_path).

Type Configuration

The IoT Agent can be configured to expect certain kinds of devices, with preconfigured sets of attributes, service information, security information and other attributes. The types attribute of the configuration is a map, where the key is the type name and the value is an object containing all the type information. Each type can has the following information configured:

  • service: service of the devices of this type.
  • subservice: subservice of the devices of this type.
  • attributes: list of active attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
  • lazy: list of lazy attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided.
  • commands: list of commands attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided.
  • internalAttributes: optional section with free format, to allow specific IoT Agents to store information along with the devices in the Device Registry.
  • staticAttributes: this array of attributes will be added to every entity of this type 'as is'. name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
  • trust: trust token to use for secured access to the Context Broker for this type of devices (optional; only needed for secured scenarios). Trust tokens may be called access_tokens by some Oauth2 providers.
  • cbHost: Context Broker host URL. This option can be used to override the global CB configuration for specific types of devices.

Service Group Model

The table below shows the information held in the service group provisioning resource. The table also contains the correspondence between the API resource fields and the same fields in the database model.

Payload Field DB Field Definition
service service Service of the devices of this type
subservice subservice Subservice of the devices of this type.
resource resource string representing the Southbound resource that will be used to assign a type to a device (e.g.: pathname in the southbound port).
apikey apikey API Key string.
timestamp timestamp Optional flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant metadata to each attribute, with the current timestamp. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is created instead.
entity_type entity_type name of the Entity type to assign to the group.
trust trust trust token to use for secured access to the Context Broker for this type of devices (optional; only needed for secured scenarios).
cbHost cbHost Context Broker connection information. This options can be used to override the global ones for specific types of devices.
lazy lazy list of common lazy attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided.
commands commands list of common commands attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
attributes attributes list of common active attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name and type must be provided, additional metadata is optional.
static_attributes staticAttributes this attributes will be added to all the entities of this group 'as is', additional metadata is optional.
internal_attributes internalAttributes optional section with free format, to allow specific IoT Agents to store information along with the devices in the Device Registry.
expressionLanguage expresionLanguage optional boolean value, to set expression language used to compute expressions, possible values are: legacy or jexl. When not set or wrongly set, legacy is used as default value.
explicitAttrs explicitAttrs optional field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section
entityNameExp entityNameExp optional field to allow use expressions to define entity name, instead default id and type
ngsiVersion ngsiVersion optional string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. Possible values are: v2 or ld. The default is v2. When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored.
defaultEntityNameConjunction defaultEntityNameConjunction optional string value to set default conjunction string used to compose a default entity_name when is not provided at device provisioning time.
autoprovision autoprovision optional boolean: If false, autoprovisioned devices (i.e. devices that are not created with an explicit provision operation but when the first measure arrives) are not allowed in this group. Default (in the case of omitting the field) is true.

Service Group Endpoint

The following actions are available under the service group endpoint:

POST /iot/services

Creates a set of service groups for the given service and service path. The service and subservice information will taken from the headers, overwritting any preexisting values.

Body params:

  • services: list of service groups to create. Each one adheres to the service group Model.


    "services": [
            "resource": "/deviceTest",
            "apikey": "801230BJKL23Y9090DSFL123HJK09H324HV8732",
            "type": "Light",
            "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
            "cbHost": "http://orion:1026",
            "commands": [{ "name": "wheel1", "type": "Wheel" }],
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "luminescence",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "CAL" }
            "lazy": [{ "name": "status", "type": "Boolean" }]


  • 200 OK if successful, with no payload.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 400 WRONG_SYNTAX if the body doesn't comply with the schema.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.
GET /iot/services

Retrieves service groups from the database. If the servicepath header has the wildcard expression, /*, all the subservices for the service are returned. The specific subservice parameters are returned in any other case.


  • 200 OK if successful, returning a service group body.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.
PUT /iot/services

Modifies the information for a service group configuration, identified by the resource and apikey query parameters. Takes a service group body as the payload. The body does not have to be complete: for incomplete bodies, just the existing attributes will be updated


    "trust": "8970A9078A803H3BL98PINEQRW8342HBAMS",
    "cbHost": "http://orion:1026"


  • 200 OK if successful, returning the updated body.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.
DELETE /iot/services

Removes a service group configuration from the DB, specified by the resource and apikey query parameters.


  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 400 MISSING_HEADERS if any of the mandatory headers is not present.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Device API

The IoT Agents offer a provisioning API where devices can be preregistered, so all the information about service and subservice mapping, security information and attribute configuration can be specified in a per device way instead of relaying on the type configuration. The following section specifies the format of the device payload; this will be the payload accepted by all the write operations and that will be returned by all the read operations. Take care of the exception of the POST operation: in this case, the device objects must be specified as an array, as multiple devices can be provided simultaneusly for the same service.

Two parameters in this payload are given a special treatment: service and subservice. This two parameters are needed to fill the fiware-service and fiware-servicepath mandatory headers that will be used in the interactions with the Context Broker. This parameters should not be passed along with the rest of the body, but they will be taken from the same headers, as received by the Device Provisioning API (this two headers are, thus, mandatory both for incoming and outgoing requests).

Note that there is a 1:1 correspondence between payload fields and DB fields (but using a different capitalization, e.g. service_path vs. servicePath).

Relationship between service groups and devices

Devices may be associated to exisiting service groups (or not) based in apiKey matching or type matching (in the case apiKey matching fails). For instance, let's consider a situation in which a service group has been provisioned with type=X/apiKey=111 and no other service group has been provisioned.

  • IoT Agent receives an anonymous measure with apiKey=111. The matching apiKey means the entity inherits from service group. Device entity has type=X and apiKey=111
  • IoT Agent receives a provisioning request for an explicit device of type=Y/apiKey=111. The matching apiKey means the entity inherits from service group but type is overridden. Device entity has type=Y and apiKey=111
  • IoT Agent receives a provisioning request for an explicit device of type=X/apiKey=222. The matching type means the entity inherits from service group but apiKey is overridden. Device entity has type=X and apiKey=222.
  • IoT Agent receives a provisioning request for an explicit device of type=Y/apiKey=222. No matching. Device entity has type=Y and apiKey=222 and no service group.

Device model

The table below shows the information held in the Device resource. The table also contains the correspondence between the API resource fields and the same fields in the database model.

Payload Field DB Field Definition Example of value
device_id id Device ID that will be used to identify the device. UO834IO
service service Name of the service the device belongs to (will be used in the fiware-service header). smartGondor
service_path subservice Name of the subservice the device belongs to (used in the fiware-servicepath header). /gardens
entity_name name Name of the entity representing the device in the Context Broker ParkLamplight12
entity_type type Type of the entity in the Context Broker Lamplights
timezone timezone Time zone of the sensor if it has any America/Santiago
timestamp timestamp Optional flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant metadata to each attribute, with the current timestamp. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is created instead. true
apikey apikey Optional Apikey key string to use instead of group apikey 9n4hb1vpwbjozzmw9f0flf9c2
endpoint endpoint Endpoint where the device is going to receive commands, if any. http://theDeviceUrl:1234/commands
protocol protocol Name of the device protocol, for its use with an IoT Manager. IoTA-UL
transport transport Name of the device transport protocol, for the IoT Agents with multiple transport protocols. MQTT
attributes active List of active attributes of the device [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ]
lazy lazy List of lazy attributes of the device [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ]
commands commands List of commands of the device [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ]
internal_attributes internalAttributes List of internal attributes with free format for specific IoT Agent configuration LWM2M mappings from object URIs to attributes
static_attributes staticAttributes List of static attributes to append to the entity. All the updateContext requests to the CB will have this set of attributes appended. [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ]
expressionLanguage expresionLanguage optional boolean value, to set expression language used to compute expressions, possible values are: legacy or jexl. When not set or wrongly set, legacy is used as default value.
explicitAttrs explicitAttrs optional field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section (see details in specific section)
ngsiVersion ngsiVersion optional string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. The default is v2. When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored. v2/ld

Attribute lists

In the group/device model there are three list of attributes that can be declared: attributes, lazy and commands. All of them have the same syntax, an object containing the following attributes:

  • object_id (optional): name of the attribute as coming from the device.
  • name (mandatory): ID of the attribute in the target entity in the Context Broker.
  • type (mandatory): name of the type of the attribute in the target entity.
  • metadata (optional): additional static metadata for the attribute in the target entity. (e.g. unitCode)

Some transformation plugins also allow the use of the following optional fields:

  • expression: indicates that the value of the target attribute will not be the plain value or the measurement, but an expression based on a combination of the reported values. See the Expression Language definition for details
  • entity_name: the presence of this attribute indicates that the value will not be stored in the original device entity but in a new entity with an ID given by this attribute. The type of this additional entity can be configured with the entity_type attribute. If no type is configured, the device entity type is used instead. Entity names can be defined as expressions, using the Expression Language definition.
  • entity_type: configures the type of an alternative entity.
  • reverse: add bidirectionality expressions to the attribute. See the bidirectionality transformation plugin in the Data Mapping Plugins section for details.

Additionally for commands (which are attributes of type command) the following fields are optional:

  • expression indicates that the value of the target command will not be the plain value or the command, but an expression based on a combination of the returned values. See the Expression Language definition for details
  • payloadType: indicates how command payload will be transformed before be sent to device. Please have a look to particular IOTAs documentation for allowed values of this field in each case.
  • contentType: content-type header used when send command by HTTP transport (ignored in other kinds of transports)

See the transformation plugins Section for more details.

Advice on Attribute defintions

Reuse of attribute names

Check for the existence of the same Attribute on any of the other models and reuse it, if pertinent. Have a look at trying to find a similar term with the same semantics. Try to find common used ontologies or existing standards well accepted by the Community, or by goverments, agencies, etc. For instance, Open311 for civic issue tracking or Datex II for transport systems.

Reuse of attribute types

When possible reuse data types (Text, Number, DateTime, StructuredValue, etc.). Remember that null is not allowed in NGSI-LD and therefore should be avoided as a value.

How to specify attribute Units of Measurement

If your data use the default unit defined in the Data Model, you don't need to specify any. It is implied. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all FIWARE data models use the metric system of measurements by default. Regardless the model specification include explicit reference to the scale adopted. If your data use a different unit, you will need to use the unitCode metadata annotation in your data (and you will need to adopt the normalised representation). The code used should be taken from those defined by UN/CEFACT. E.g.:

    "object_id": "l",
    "name": "length",
    "type": "Integer",
    "metadata": {
        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "FOT" }

API Actions

POST /iot/devices

Provision a new device in the IoT Agent's device registry. Takes a Device in JSON format as the payload.


  • 200 OK if successful.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Payload example:

    "devices": [
            "device_id": "DevID1",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice1",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }
            "lazy": [
                    "object_id": "l",
                    "name": "percentage",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "P1" }
            "commands": [{ "object_id": "t", "name": "turn", "type": "Text" }],
            "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "value": "02598347", "type": "Text" }]
GET /iot/devices

Returns a list of all the devices in the device registry with all its data.

Query parameters:

  • limit: if present, limits the number of devices returned in the list.
  • offset: if present, skip that number of devices from the original query.


  • 200 OK if successful, and the selected Device payload in JSON format.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Example of return payload:

    "count": 2,
    "devices": [
            "device_id": "DevID0",
            "service": "ServiceTest",
            "service_path": "/testSubservice",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice0",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }
            "lazy": [],
            "static_attributes": [],
            "internal_attributes": []
            "device_id": "DevID1",
            "service": "ServiceTest",
            "service_path": "/testSubservice",
            "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:TheDevice1",
            "entity_type": "Device",
            "attributes": [
                { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
                    "object_id": "l",
                    "name": "percentage",
                    "type": "Integer",
                    "metadata": {
                        "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "P1" }
            "lazy": [{ "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }],
            "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "value": "02598347", "type": "Text" }],
            "internal_attributes": []
GET /iot/devices/:deviceId

Returns all the information about a particular device.


  • 200 OK if successful, and the selected Device payload in JSON format.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Example of return payload:

    "device_id": "DevID1",
    "service": "ServiceTest",
    "service_path": "/testSubservice",
    "entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:Device:0001",
    "entity_type": "Device",
    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
            "type": "Integer",
            "name": "percentage",
            "metadata": {
                "unitCode": { "type": "Text", "value": "P1" }
            "object_id": "l"
    "lazy": [{ "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" }],
    "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "value": "02598347", "type": "Text" }],
    "internal_attributes": []
DELETE /iot/devices/:deviceId

Remove a device from the device registry. No payload is required or received.


  • 200 OK if successful, with no payload.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.
PUT /iot/devices/:deviceId

Changes the stored values for the device with the provided Device payload. Neither the name, the type nor the ID of the device can be changed using this method (as they are used to link the already created entities in the CB to the information in the device). Service and servicepath, being taken from the headers, can't be changed also.


  • 200 OK if successful, with no payload.
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the device was not found in the database.
  • 500 SERVER ERROR if there was any error not contemplated above.

Payload example:

    "attributes": [
        { "object_id": "t", "name": "temperature", "type": "Float" },
        { "object_id": "h", "name": "humidity", "type": "Float" },
        { "object_id": "p", "name": "pressure", "type": "Float" }
    "lazy": [{ "object_id": "l", "name": "luminosity", "type": "percentage" }],
    "commands": [{ "object_id": "t", "name": "turn", "type": "Text" }],
    "static_attributes": [{ "name": "serialID", "type": "02598347" }]


The IoT Agent Library makes use of the Logops logging library. This library is required in a logger object, shared between all of the modules. In order for the logging to be consistent across the different modules of an IoTAgent (i.e.: the ones provided by the IoTA Library as well as those created for the particular IoTAgent), the logger object is exported in the logModule property of the library. The agents should use this module for logging.

The IoT Agent Library also provides a configuration API that lets the administrator change and manage the log level in realtime. This API has the following two actions:

PUT /admin/log

This operation gets the new log level using the query parameter level. If the new level is a valid level for Logops (i.e.: one of the items in the array ['INFO', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'DEBUG', 'WARNING']), it will be automatically changed for future logs.

PUT /admin/log

Returns the current log level, in a json payload with a single attribute level.