- Inclusion of only-on-GPU operation of voronoi models.
- openMP for cpu multithreaded operation
- Switch to cmake build system -- see installation.md for details
- Update cgal to use header-only versions
- Retire the use of Dscalars... switching at compile time was never used, so now everything is a double
- (almost) all API remains the same -- "deprecated.h" was finally removed, so if you used very old class names you'll have to update them, but otherwise your code should work fine. BoxPtr has been changed to PeriodicBoxPtr, though.
- Assorted bug fixes and clean-ups
- A directory to put common MD data analysis tools has been added
- Changed strategy for handling multiple T1 transitions per cell / vertex
- Numerous small changes
- Support for non-square boxes... DelaunayCGAL calls currently implemented, but not DelaunayLoc
- Nose-Hoover thermostat-chain NVT simulations
- Starting transition away from Simple2DActiveCell class by using velocity GPUArrays in SPP updater
- Cell death added. This removes a cell in Voronoi model, or does a T2 transition in vertex model
- PeriodicBoxPtrs implemented...will eventually make different box shapes easier
- rationalize naming scheme of vertex and voronoi models
- There are now vertexModelBase and voronoiModelBase classes
- Derived classes of these largely just need to implement force laws
- include tree cleaning
- Implement cell division in both vertex and Voronoi models
- Major bug fix in "quadratic" vertex model force computations
- system-wide refactoring into simulation components: updaters, configurations, pieces, and a Simulation to tie them together
- added simple Brownian dynamics equation of motion
- added a (somewhat specialized) calculation of the quadratic voronoi model dynamical matrix
- started refactoring class structures... beginning with equations of motion
- added FIRE minimization algorithm
- Simplified interface to SPV2D and AVM2D; have all models implement virtual functions to provide a common interface for MD
- First major restructuring of class structure...
- The AVM2D class implements a simple active vertex model
- numerous bug fixes
- GPU optimizations
- SPV2D class inherits from DelaunayMD; implements the 2D self-propelled voronoi model
- references to Triangle are removed; CGAL becomes the default triangulation library
- "DelGPU" implements the DelaunayCheck class to assess the validity of a proposed triangulation on either the CPU or GPU; DelaunayMD provides a simple interface to an MD-like protocol
- "VoroGuppy" has a CPU implementation of Chen and Gotsman's localized Delaunay triangulation, comparisons with Shewchuck's Triangle program and a Bowyer-Watson implementation.