lack middleware to reroute URIs of requests
Get the code from the reposiroty and make sure it is in a subdirectory of the registries of asdf or quicklisp.
(ql:quickload "clack")
(ql:quickload "lack")
(ql:quickload "lack-rerouter")
(setf *app*
(lambda (env)
(declare (ignorable env))
'(200 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Hello, Compression2!"))))
(setf *compressed-app*
(:rerouter :route-prefix "/assets/" :static-files-path "/static/" :operation :prepend)
(:compression-cache :cache-path "bin/cache" :static-files-path "/static/")
(:static :path "/assets/"
:root #P"static/")
(setf *clack-handler*
(clack:clackup *compressed-app*))
;; To Stop the App
(clack:stop *clack-handler*)
Note that this will prepend ”static” to any request which starts with the route “/assets”.
(lambda (app &key route-prefix static-files-path (operation :prepend))
Valid operations are :prepend
, :replace
, and any function which takes a string URI route and returns a new string with the wanted new URI route: (lambda (path-info) (do the magic here ...))
Note that this middleware does not affect the web application at all and only changes the path-info
environment env
variable. See for details of the environment variable.