Parses markdown elements into cloze anki notes and assembles them into an anki package using genanki.
This script can handle codeblocks or obsidian callouts.
Create some anki code blocks or callouts in your markdown files with unique name
and deck
(note the anki
attribute in codeblock):
```anki name:strings deck:programming_fundamentals
{{c1::Strings}} are sequences of {{c2::characters}}.
or using markdown codeblock:
```markdown anki name:strings deck:programming_fundamentals
{{c1::Strings}} are sequences of {{c2::characters}}.
Note the `anki` attribute in the header of the codeblock. It is required.
Some text..
> [!summary]+ name:obsidian deck:general
> Use {{c1:obsidian}} to record notes
> Because its convenient.
Run python --help
to see usage instructions and defaults. Specify input and output dirs as follows: python --input_dir /path/to/input --output_dir /path/to/output
Then import the package into anki.
If you want other markdown elements to be handled, feel free to submit an issue or open a discussion.