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Data Provenance

Daniel Bramich edited this page Dec 29, 2019 · 10 revisions

The source of the "detector" measurements for each city is listed below. Data for a city come from one of four possible sources:

(i) Loop detectors measuring occupancy => Provide flow and occupancy measurements, but no speed measurements.

(ii) Loop detectors measuring speed => Provide flow and speed measurements, but no (useful) occupancy measurements.

(iii) Loop detectors => Provide flow and occupancy measurements, and speed measurements have been inferred.

(iv) Loop detectors and bluetooth detectors => Loop detectors provide flow measurements, while bluetooth detectors provide speed measurements, but there are no (useful) occupancy measurements. The loop detectors and bluetooth detectors are not necessarily at the same location.

The cities in group (i) are:

augsburg, basel, bern, bordeaux, bremen, cagliari, darmstadt, duisburg (the loop detector measurements for this city are not available due to an NDA), frankfurt, graz, hamburg, kassel, london, losangeles, luzern, madrid, marseille, munich, paris, santander, speyer, strasbourg, stuttgart, taipeh, tokyo, toronto, toulouse, vilnius, wolfsburg, zurich

The cities in group (ii) are:

birmingham, bolton, innsbruck, manchester, rotterdam, torino

The cities in group (iii) are:

constance, essen

The cities in group (iv) are:

groningen, melbourne, utrecht