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Delisa Mason edited this page Aug 29, 2011 · 6 revisions

Project Menu

The Project menu is the hub for managing the state of files and settings in the current directory.

  • Find File: Find a file by characters in the file name or path
    • Name Example: 'Sample' or 'STF' or '.txt' for opening 'SampleTextFile.txt'
    • Path Example: 's/t/txt' or 'tr/s' or 'trim/sample' for opening 'start/trim/SampleTextFile.txt'
  • Search: Find text in the current project. Wildcards such as '*' (match any character string) and '?' (match any single character) are supported.
  • Source Control: Save and commit changes to a version control system
  • Runnables: View shell and build system commands available to the current project
  • Run Tab: Run the current tab using a Runnables file runner command
  • Alternate Run Tab: Run the current tab using an alternate file runner
  • Go to Declaration: Open the file and line where the current word was declared, if applicable
  • Refresh:
    • Directory: Refresh the directory tree to show any changes which have occurred
    • Search Index: Refresh the project search index (mainly for debugging purposes)
  • Web Bookmarks: View a list of saved web pages related to the project
  • Todo List: View all lines in the current project which have a 'Todo' marker, like "TODO", "FIXME", etc

Project Directory trees also have a number of context menu items for quick access:

  • New File: Add a new file to the selected or enclosing directory
  • New Directory: Add a new directory to the selected or enclosing directory
  • Rename: Rename the current file or directory
  • Delete: Delete the current file or directory
  • Switch Branch: If the current project is using a supported version control system, the option to switch branches will be available
  • Open Directory:
    • in File Browser - Opens the selected or enclosing directory in a file browser. The file browser to use can be configured in Preferences
    • in Command Line - Opens the selected or enclosing directory in a command line. The command line to use can be configured in preferences
    • as new Project - Opens a selected subdirectory as a new Project in a new window
    • as Subproject - Opens a selected subdirectory as a new project which also shared Redcar configuration files with the parent directory
  • Open Default App - Open the highlighted file in the default system application. Useful for non-text files.
  • Hide this file - Hide the selected file or file type
  • Show Hidden Files/Hide Hidden Files - Toggle visibility of hidden files

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