Video Game Finder is an android application that will allow users to browse a a variety of video games.
This application includes:
- Search bar to find a specific game:heavy_check_mark:
- Option to favorite a game to view whenever you would like:heavy_check_mark:
- Option to navigate to a video games webiste:heavy_check_mark:
- Option to view a games details:heavy_check_mark:
- Option to recieve notifications:heavy_check_mark:
- Option to change the applications theme:heavy_check_mark:
The purpose of this application is to demonstrate my android development skills. This application consists of libraries and best practices such as:
- Jetpack Compose:heavy_check_mark:
- MVVM/MVI architecture (clean architecture):heavy_check_mark:
- Retrofit(+ GSON):heavy_check_mark:
- Dagger Hilt:heavy_check_mark:
- Room (local database):heavy_check_mark:
- Unit testing (with Junit 5 and Mockweb server):heavy_check_mark:
- Accompanist (Coil):heavy_check_mark:
- Android Jetpack (DataStore, WorkManager):heavy_check_mark:
Built with
- Jetpack Compose
- Retrofit
- Dagger-Hilt
- Room
- Junit 5
- Coil
- Android Jetpack
- Connectivity Manager
- Gson
- MockwebServer
Copyright 2021 Daniel Toriz Valdovinos