No.1 The C++ program is the Fibonacci series of n, and from the Fibonacci series of n, which numbers indicate prime numbers
Open the terminal and go to the folder named Fibonacci
cd catkin_ws/fibonaci/
compile file code c++ && run program
g++ -o fibonaciPrima fibonaciPrima.cpp
After successfully entering the value n as the Fibonacci value limit, the output will be as shown in the image.
ROS Neotic based program to open point cloud files with .pcd extension, display data on RVIZ and rotate the point cloud data on the Y axis, here I rotate it 90 degrees and save the rotated file .pcd. first install ROS Neotic After ROS is installed open the terminal then go into the catkin_ws folder
cd catkin_ws/
after that run roslaunch
roslaunch pcl_viewer viewer.launch
If it is running and RVIZ is open, click add and add the topic that has been created by displaying the contents of the pcd file that is already in the data. for more details, here is the Video