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Boilerplate for an Electron application written in Typescript with React.JS and Redux for state management with hot reloading.


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Boilerplate for an Electron application written in Typescript with React.JS and Redux for state management. Also has hot-reloading for swift developement.

Getting Started

To run a development server with webpack-dev-server. Use the command

npm run start:dev

To launch electron client run

npm run start:electron

API Explanation

Most actions in redux require you to init a process which will set an isLoading attribute of that reducer to true. Then it will follow with a success or failure and maybe even a reset. To incorporate this in, I have created a simple framework to quickly generate these action handlers and the underlying actions.

Action Classes

These classes will handle all redux-thunk actions for every reducer.

import {CustomThunkAction} from "../common/Handlers";

import Actions from "../common/Actions";

// Should extend the base Actions class
class Template extends Actions {

    constructor() {

        // argument is an identifier for generating action types
        // to keep them unique
        // this can be anything but I chose to use the classes name

        // any prefixes for an action
        // setting a prefix will automatically generate the action types
        // for example is this case the generated types will be
        // Types:
        this.prefixes = [


    // this function is a thunk action to handle the process
    // the return type is CustomThunkAction<SUCCESS_RESPONSE_TYPE, FAILURE_RESPONSE_TYPE, RETURN_TYPE>
    public handleTest = (): CustomThunkAction<number, string, void> => (dispatch) => {

        // .handlers<SUCCESS_TYPE, FAILURE_TYPE>(<PREFIX>) will generate the action handlers for the
        // action type with prefix 'TEST'
        const {init, success, failure} = this.handlers<number, string>('TEST');

        // you can do your flow here


Reducer Classes

The reducer logic for SimpleActionHandlers.

import {combineReducers} from "redux";

import BasicReducerFactory, {BasicReducerState} from "../common/BasicReducer";
import Template from "../actions/Template";

// defining typing for our TemplateReducer
export interface TemplateReducerState {

    // BasicReducer is a generic type which takes who arguments
    // which are the type of the response of success and failure
    test: BasicReducerState<number, string>;


// create a new Template action instance
const template = new Template();

// pre-filling the Actions class type before using it to make it easier
const SimpleReducer = <T1, T2>(prefix: string, initial?: BasicReducerState<T1, T2>) => {
    return BasicReducerFactory<Template, T1, T2>(template, prefix, initial);

// our TemplateReducer
const TemplateReducer = combineReducers({

    // SimpleReducer is predefined in 'common/Reducer.ts'
    // this takes two arguments which again are the types of the success response
    // and the types of failure response
    test: SimpleReducer<number, string>('TEST')


export default TemplateReducer;

Accessing Reducer States

To access the state of a particular reducer, in our case the state of TemplateReducer, you have to specify it in the mapStoreToProps function of any component.

const mapStoreToProps = (store: Store) => ({
    // boolean
    isLoading: store.template.test.isLoading
    // number
    response: store.template.test.response
    // string
    error: store.template.test.error

Types of each of the attributes of the SimpleReducer is as defined in the reducer file (SimpleReducer<number, string>).