A web app designed to improve the quality of CMS streams.
Uses Bulma, Vue.js and anime.js to create web pages that are served by Quart, an an asyncio reimplementation of Flask. The web server runs in the same loop as a discord bot, which can be used to control the overlay and allows users to create popups.
Make sure Python (v3.8) is installed on your system.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/TomD53/CMS-Web-Overlays/
cd cms-web-overlays
Install the required python libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Navigate to the static folder
cd static
Install the various node modules
npm install
Render the stylised CSS file
npm run css-build
Create the file utils/credentials.json
and enter the bot token from the Discord Developer Dashboard
"bot_token": "your_token_here"
Edit the SLASH_COMMANDS_GUILDS list in utils/config.py
and replace the ID with the guild ID of the server in which you intend to use slash commands