Many of the color spaces also have their cylindrical equivalents (sometimes also called "polar" equivalents). A cylindrical color space usually consists of three channels:
- Lightness channel, often denoted as "L"
- Chroma (also chrominance or colourfulness) channel, often denoted as "C"
- Hue channel, often denoted as "h"
The lightness and chroma channels have different ranges depending on the color space (some use 0 to 100, some use 0 to 1, etc.)
The hue channel is specified in degrees, and has values from 0° to 360°.
These are some of the color spaces that are built-in and have cylindrical equivalent:
If you want to experiment with cylindrical representations, you can explore the formulas available on the CylindricalFormulas
static helper class.
It provides methods like:
that computes saturation from chroma and lightness.GetChroma
that computes chroma from saturation and lightness.ConvertToLCh
that can convert a vector with lightness and two color channels into lightness, chroma, hue vector.ConvertFromLCh
that can convert a vector with lightness, chroma, and hue into and a vector with lightness and two color channels.