- "I think meme ecosystems is definitely a top contendor for a theme."
- "i was gonna do a write-up of all the social simulation models i've been researching"
- "I have a bunch of thoughts on internet image ecosystems already >:)"
- "I've got something brewing in my brain about repo/version control for use in design/educational/radical contexts"
- "I have a couple stuff on contrast (contrasting flavors / contrasting opinions / contrasting personal beliefs / etc) and I'm trying to formulate sane thoughts around "to actually contribute towards making society better you might need to first shatter your reality""
- "i want to write about philosophy and video games"
- languages, keyboards, programming... how would things be different if english weren't the lingua franca?
- minimal UI: how far is too far. why do we have emotional reactions to minimalism (or maximalism)
- Market Efficient Identity - neoliberalism and the personal brand
- text-editor
- male chat bot landing page
- "i'm going to train a model that outputs a myers-briggs personality type based on your commit messages"
- reader view chrome extension
√√√√√√√√√ good work