A Quidditch game simulator based on Wackstevens Witchcraft and Wizzardry System:
Clone repository or download files into local working directory.
create a Match json file containing two team jsons as a list
- Create and open a new .json file
- Add two teams (see Example_team.json) into the file in list format
[{"Name": "TeamName", ...}, {"Name": "Teamname", ...}]
add bonuses/pentalties modifyer to each players base value
add Player Names for each player
for in full Datatype explanations got to examples
In commandline use:
python -m quidditch.py --team-file Path/to/file/[filename].json
If you want to simulate weather effects add
If you only want to use one beater and chaser add
To return a more in depth game log add
Open the [teamname]vs[teamname]_result.json file to see the game results
Import the quidditch.py into your module
Invoke load_teams to import match player data
Invoke quidditch.init() to add the custom loglevel (GAMESTEP: 15)
- you have to invoke the function even if you want to ignore gamestep messages
Invoke run_game() with the wanted parameter to start the simulation
run_game(teams, **kwargs)
Optional arguments:
use_duplicate_rolls : boolean
- Flag if you want to alternate between chasers and beaters
- Default: True
use_weather : boolean
- Flag if you want to use weather calculations in the game
- Default: False
Simulate seasons/leagues
Web interface to create/maintain quidditch teams
Verbose gamelogs to get a condenced game review
analyse Game/ season outcomes
Add house rules
- Wacksteven for creating the system tablestory.tv/waw
- Kujio for building the discord bot that inspired this simulation
- Last-Socratic for hist quidditch analyser and code insight