using websocketpp project for websocket protocol
using catch-like test framework
public version info placed in version.h
automatic build (via autotools) of some example programs (issue #3)
example/wamp_router, which will aim to provide an example of a router
example/wampcc_tester, for integration testing
- fetch and link of googletest, was not being used
wamp_session::provide() accept callback that is invoked on success/failure of registration.
Using msgpack-c 2.1.3. In this version the header-only msgpack decoder has been fixed, which is used by wampcc.
The stream logger (used by the logger::console logger) now takes a wrapper to a ostream& and a mutex, instead of just an ostream reference. This is so that a synchronization mechanism is available to synchronize writes to the stream (issue #2, petten).
wamp_session not handling failed registration
compile errors on Xcode 7.3.1 + 10.7 SDK (issue #2, petten)
cmake missing link libraries on Linux
websocket opening assumed Sec-WebSocket-Protocol would be present, but acutally its optional header
memory leaks in jalson, and msgpack protocol