testmap has moved to TACAR. Please check the newest advances here: https://github.com/darrennorris/TACAR .
The goal of testmap is to map future population changes of the Yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis).
The predicted future changes are from female-only, stochastic stage-based matrix population projection models, developed here: https://github.com/darrennorris/TACAR
These maps are being used to
Provide an updated assesment of how threatened the species is.
Inform development of and implement improvements to the modelling process.
Summaries of the results including maps of the projected future changes can be found online.
- 3 generation.
Predicted changes after 35 years: https://darrennorris.github.io/testmap/articles/Interactive-map.html
You can download the data to check and visualise using R. testmap cannot be submitted to CRAN as the data files are large and the package does not therefore pass “cran” checks.
So you need to install testmap like so:
This example shows a summary of future changes to Podocnemis unifilis
populations in different countries.
Another example showing where Podocnemis unifilis is Endangered is
here: https://darrennorris.github.io/testmap/articles/testmap.html
## Summary by country.
points_bau_ffr |>
dplyr::mutate(flag_EN = if_else(fem_diff_t35 <= -0.5, 1, 0)) |>
dplyr::group_by(COUNTRY) |>
dplyr::summarise(pop_start = sum(fem_t0),
pop_end = sum(fem_t35),
pop_change = round(((sum(fem_t35) - sum(fem_t0)) / sum(fem_t0)), 3),
length_river = n(),
length_endangered = sum((flag_EN))) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
dplyr::mutate(proportion_endangered = round((length_endangered / length_river), 2)) |>
dplyr::mutate(threat_status = case_when(pop_change <= -0.8 ~ "Critically Endangered",
pop_change <= -0.5 ~ "Endangered",
pop_change <= -0.3 ~ "Vulnerable",
pop_change <= -0.2 ~ "Near Threatened"))
#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#> COUNTRY pop_start pop_end pop_change length_river length_endangered
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 Bolivia 222170 103830. -0.533 22217 15505
#> 2 Brazil 1905550 934926. -0.509 190555 115489
#> 3 Colombia 385520 204235. -0.47 38552 23628
#> 4 Ecuador 83020 25106. -0.698 8302 7066
#> 5 French Guiana 32980 18580. -0.437 3298 2048
#> 6 Guyana 73720 52144. -0.293 7372 3263
#> 7 Peru 473630 173911. -0.633 47363 36693
#> 8 Suriname 57560 40255. -0.301 5756 2643
#> 9 Venezuela 300220 188560. -0.372 30022 16714
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: proportion_endangered <dbl>, threat_status <chr>
Package developed and built using the following guides: