This document describes the git workflow that should be used when contributing to Queue Hero.
There are two main branches in the repo, master
and dev
. All pull requests should be made to the dev
branch. Once a certain milestone has been reached, dev
will be merged into master
for deployment.
####1. Fork the repo at
####2. Clone the fork to your local computer
$ git clone
Note: git clone
by default will only show the master
branch. Make sure to grab the dev
branch and pull all changes from dev
, not master
$ git checkout -b dev origin/dev
####3. Set your upstream as the team's repo
$ git remote add upstream
####4. Create a new branch
$ git checkout -b chatDatabaseQuery
Keep the names short but descriptive. No need to include your name.
####5. Hack away
# made changes to code
git status
git add <filename> # or git add .
git commit
Commit often. Break down your task into separate mini-tasks and commit each time.
Use the git commit style used by Karma team
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
#####Message subject
First line cannot be longer than 70 characters, second line is always blank and other lines should be wrapped at 80 characters.
The type and scope should always be lowercase as shown below.
Allowed type values:
- feat (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script)
- fix (bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script)
- docs (changes to the documentation)
- style (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no production code change)
- refactor (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
- test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
- chore (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)
Example scope values:
- init
- runner
- watcher
- config
- web-server
- proxy
- etc.
The scope can be empty (eg. if the change is a global or difficult to assign to a single component), in which case the parentheses are omitted. In smaller projects such as Karma plugins, the is empty.
#####Message body
Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor “"changes"
Include motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior
Commit message example
fix(signup): change button state if inputs are invalid
- validation for e-mail, phonenumber
- username, passwords and email are set as required
####6. Prepare your code for pull request
- Read through code and add comments if necessary.
- Fix errors flagged by JSHint.
- Check if code conforms with the style guide.
####7. Pull from upstream
$ git pull upstream dev
####8. Fix all merge conflicts
# fix merge conflicts
$ git status
$ git add .
$ git commit
####9. Push the changes to you github repo
$ git push origin chatDatabaseQuery
####10. Make pull request on Title the request so the reviewer can see what the pull request does.
####11. (Optional) After approval, update dev branch and delete feature branch
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull upstream dev
# you can also do git merge featureBranch if your local dev is up-to-date with upstream dev
$ git branch -d featureBranch # use -D if you havn't merged local dev