A module for dashcore that implements Payment Protocol and other related BIPs.
This library is distributed in both the npm and bower packaging systems.
npm install dashcore-lib
npm install dashcore-payment-protocol
There are many examples of how to use it on the developer guide section for payment protocol. For example, the following code would verify a payment request:
const PaymentProtocol = require('dashcore-payment-protocol');
const body = PaymentProtocol.PaymentRequest.decode(rawbody);
const request = new PaymentProtocol().makePaymentRequest(body);
const version = pr.get('payment_details_version');
const pki_type = pr.get('pki_type');
const pki_data = pr.get('pki_data');
const serializedDetails = pr.get('serialized_payment_details');
const signature = pr.get('signature');
// Verify the signature
const verified = request.verify();
See CONTRIBUTING.md on the main dashcore repo for information about how to contribute.
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2013-2015 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.