This project comes after the introduction of the ES6 class keyword, ES6 modules, and web pack. The main goal of this project is for the student to show the understanding of the benefits of modularized code as well as the ability to set up a JavaScript application made of different modules using web pack.
- Only JavaScript
- Web pack
- Used the DOM Manipulation.
- Images
- Linters
First Open Your terminal and paste : git clone git@github com:dasileker/restaurant-page.git.
Then Cd to the Folder && Open it in your Text editor.
To Make the website fully working make sure to install the web pack
- Add cart to the website.
- Add more Items to the menu.
- Add possibility to Order online.
- Upgrading the menu to have more food categories.
- Give A thumb-up 👍 if you like it.
-—This project is MIT license