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The Hideous Helmet customization manual

note to self: maybe document better

Custom spawning for helmets

When an actor spawns, Hideous Helmet looks for any class inheriting from HHSpawnType. After that, the spawner will then call CheckConditions() and if it returns true, SpawnHelmet() will be called.

Note: If you want to override the default helmet's spawn, then you can just look for HHSpawnType_Default and destroy it.

Defining armours

Hideous Destructor draws the armour HUD stuff from the armour itself, due to this, Hideous Helmet is unable to hide the armour's current durability.
To overcome this problem, Hideous Helmet uses HHArmourType.
If you want your armour to be recognized by Hideous Helmet, then you'll have to create a class inheriting from HHArmourType, and then create the class with the new() function.

Oh yeah, make sure to override DrawArmour(), and also set armour_name and armour_wornname when creating it.


Syntax is simple, each name is split per line. That's it.

Firemode/Fire indicator customization

Note: This only applies if you use "Hide Weapon status"

Due to how the weapon HUD works, there's no actual way to find the firemode of the current weapon without editing the guns themselves.
Instead, firemode indicators are defined through text files starting with hh_firemodecodes.
If you wish to add firemode indicators for custom weapons, create a file named hh_firemodecodes.



  • refid : The loadout code of the weapon.

  • weaponstatusindex : The index number that the weapon uses on the array weaponstatus.

  • iconX(X=0,1,2...) : Determines what icon will be used.

  • conditionX(X=0,1,2...) :
    If true in the following statement:
    (HDWeapon.weaponstatus[weaponstatusindex] & condition)
    Will use the icon with the same X as the condition that was true.

  • Bitwise :
    Uses bitwise AND to compare with weaponstatus.
    Use Bitwise if the weapon uses it for determining firemode icons.

Here's some terrible art of how the Bitwise type works:
(i hope you're reading this with a monospace font)

   X=0             X=1             X=2
condition0  ..  condition1  ..  condition2  ..

    |               |               |
    |               |               |      [uses]
   \|/             \|/             \|/

  icon0    ...    icon1    ...    icon2    ...
  • blank : Self explanatory.




