07 Mar 2017 via IRC (#datprotocol)
- Bryan
- Paul
- Joe
- Mafintosh
- Tara
- Danielle
- Review last meeting/action items
- AGENDA ITEM: decide on block vs entry discussion
- AGENDA ITEM: nomenclature ambiguity whether SLEEP means individual files or the collection of files hypercore uses
- AGENDA ITEM: how to handle breaking changes, specifically how the version used by a hypercore/drive is signaled
- DEP review
- hyperdb:<bnewbold_> made progress on hyperdb. biggest confusion to me still is around deletions
- <bnewbold_> I have some open questions (to be answered offline)
- multi-writer started, not ready for review/feedback yet, hope to have that in the next day or two
- hyperdrive: I'm going to work in that feedback, then mafintosh I'll punt it to you
- language around "channels" in the wire protocol
- let's keep that decision/discussion a part of the wire protocol and leave it then
- DNS: bryan sync with maf (I presume) about DNS server
- got working, has questions about config
- DNS:
- currently use publicbits.org, switch to datprotocol.com
- long transfer period
- some kind of round-robin DNS? or generally a way to discover the nearest/fastest DNS server?
- currently use publicbits.org, switch to datprotocol.com
- AGENDA ITEM: decide on block vs entry discussion
- hypercore feed entry / hypercore feed block
- consensus to entry
- AGENDA ITEM: nomenclature ambiguity whether SLEEP means individual files or the collection of files hypercore uses
- bnewbold_: propose we try to disambiguate with "SLEEP file" to refer to the individual files and "SLEEP directory" for the whole thing
- <bnewbold_> and not ambiguously refer to "SLEEP format"
- I won't update the whitepaper, but when we do the DEP we can use the above terminology
- AGENDA ITEM: how to handle breaking changes, specifically how the version used by a hypercore/drive is signaled *
- currently use publicbits.org, switch to datprotocol.com
- use "entry" for hypercore entry, log entry, etc.
- use SLEEP file and SLEEP directory
- Change DNS to use datprotocol.com
- TODO: what things need to happen for this?
- update dat-swarm-defaults
- change DNS (joe owns datprotocol.com)
- ???
- Next meeting:
- discuss idea of moving metadata from dat.json to this data
- standardizing the protocol for registries (dat publish)