18 April 2018 via IRC (#datprotocol)
- pfrazee
- bnewbold
- jhand
- taravancil
- Review last meeting/action items
- AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and vote on draft-status for dat-ecosystem-archive/DEPs#19 (pinning service api)
- AGENDA ITEM: Discuss and vote on draft-status for dat-ecosystem-archive/DEPs#3 (hyperdb)
- AGENDA ITEM: Discuss https://github.com/beakerbrowser/beaker/wiki/Dat-DNS-TXT-records-with-optional-DNS-over-HTTPS
- Some security TODOs on website and readme
- DNS updates still need to happen
- pfrazee did HTTP DEP action items
- Security:
- Add security email to the websites (@joehand, @pfrazee/@taravancil)
- readmes of dat cli, dat-node (@joehand); beaker (@pfrazee/@taravancil)
- issue template, dat-node (@joehand)
- add some people to security google group (@joehand), add auto footer note to make issue (?)
- Network updates (from prev meeting)
- Change DNS to use datprotocol.com (@joehand to ping @mafintosh to ping joe about it to schedule pairing time)
- update dat-swarm-defaults
- change DNS (joe owns datprotocol.com)
- other tasks (?)
- Change DNS to use datprotocol.com (@joehand to ping @mafintosh to ping joe about it to schedule pairing time)
- Heartbeat issue (dat-ecosystem-archive/DEPs#18)
- mafintosh want to implement bnewbold idea
- HTTP Pinning Service DEP:
- action item: update PSA link in the DEP to http://web.archive.org/web/20180418164539/https://github.com/beakerbrowser/beaker/wiki/PSA-Web-Service-Discovery-Protocol (@pfrazee)
- Assign a DEP number and place into draft status (@pfrazee)
- Generate the pinning service reltype PURLs (@pfrazee)
- (check autopublish works) publish the latest datprotocol site after DEPs are merged (@jhand)
- Write a Dat DNS DEP (@pfrazee)