Chapter 1: Basic Workflow
- What is version control?
- How does Git compare to alternatives?
- How can I check the state of a repository?
- What's the first step in saving changes?
- How can I tell what's going to be committed?
- How do I commit changes?
- How can I view a repository's entire history?
- How can I view a specific file's history?
- How do I write a better log message?
Chapter 2: Repositories
- Where does Git store information?
- How do I add new files?
- How can I tell Git to ignore certain files?
- How can I view a specific log entry?
- What is in a diff?
- What is Git's equivalent of a relative path?
- How can I see who changed what in a file?
- How can I see what changed between two commits?
- How can I remove unwanted files?
Chapter 3: Undo
- How can I commit changes selectively?
- How do I re-stage files?
- How can I undo changes to unstaged files?
- How can I unstage a file that I have staged?
- How can I undo all of the changes I have made?
- How do I restore an old version of a file? (**)
Chapter 4: Branching
- What is a branch?
- How can I view the differences between branches?
- How can I switch from one branch to another?
- How can I create a branch?
- What are merges and conflicts? (**)
- How can I merge two branches?
- How can I merge two branches with conflicts?
Chapter 5: Collaborating
- How can I see how Git is configured?
- How can I change my Git configuration?
- How can I create a brand new repository?
- How can I turn an existing project into a Git repository?
- How can I create a copy of an existing repository?
- How can I find out where a cloned repository originated?
- How can I pull in changes from a remote repository?
- How can I push my changes to a remote repository?
- How can I create and remove remotes?