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Interactive exploration of global results from the Facebook "Survey on Gender Equality At Home


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Gender Survey Dashboard from Meta

Interactive exploration of global results from the Meta "Survey on Gender Equality At Home".

Important links:


  • Vagrant 2.2+
  • VirtualBox 6.0+

Getting Started

Install the application and all required dependencies.



Rebuild Docker images and run application.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh


The data used by this application is generated from a source set provided by Data for Good at Meta:

To convert the source dataset into a format used by the application, run the dataproc script on your VM. This script will automatically download the required data from HDX.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

This will download the source data, process it, and convert it to several JSON files. The resulting files can be found in src/dataproc/output. If the upstream HDX data sources are updated, the URLs used in the processing script will need to be updated to match.

Data files

The dataproc tool will generate 4 files:

  • region_config.json: Essentially the Codebook sheet of the region Excel file. This is a data dictionary that contains the list of geographies included, the full question and response text for a given variable, and the index position of the variable value in the data array. Since Country and Region files don't have 100% overlap of questions, this metadata is used to read the Region data file exclusively.
  • region_data.json: A compact representation of the Data sheet in the region Excel file. The top level key is a year, containing a sub-dictionary with keys for each geography. Each geography in turn has keys for the gender categories: male, female, and combined. Each gender key then has an array corresponding to the variables described in the config metadata object. The idx key of the variable in the config represents the position of the variable data in the array.
  • country_config.json: Equivalent to the region_config file, but generated from the country Excel sheet.
  • country_data.json: Equivalent to the region_data file, but generated from the country Excel sheet.

An example data schema:

  "2020": {
    "geographies": {
      "North America": {
        "male": [1, 2, 3],
        "female": [10, 20, 30],
        "combined": [11, 22, 33]

Updating application with new data

To update the data files for the application, the four generated files need to be manually moved into the application directory. The dataproc script does not automatically move new data files to decrease the risk that a malformed data file will be deployed. Please thoroughly test any newly generated data in the application before releasing it.

The two config files should be moved into src/app/src/data from where they are directly built into the source code bundles of the app. This is because the files are small, and are required for the initial rendering of the homepage. By bundling them into the source code we ensure a fast initial render.

The two data files, however, are larger and could grow over time if more questions are added to the survey. These two files need to be moved into the src/app/public/data/ directory, where they are made available to the frontend app via a fetch request.

After moving the four files to their appropriate directory, commit and push the changeset. The next release and deployment will include the new data and metadata files.

Incorporating future survey years

It is expected that in future years, new survey will be added to the application without replacing the existing data. In that scenario, the data processing script will need to be updated to generate new config and data objects for that survey year. The application will then need to be modified to allow fetching the correct data for the selected year.


Service Port
Webpack Dev Server 3333




Name Description
cibuild Build project for CI
clean Free disk space by cleaning up dangling Docker images
console Run interactive shell inside application container
dataproc Generate new application data from source data
lint Lint source code
server Run Docker Compose services
setup Provision Vagrant VM and run update
test Run unit tests
update Build Docker images

Adding NPM Packages

To add a new NPM package to the project:

  • Manually add the package to the project's package.json file, ensuring that you pin it to a specific version.
  • Run ./scripts/update in the VM.
  • Commit the changes to the following files to git:
    • package.json
    • yarn.lock


  • We usually pin packages to a specific version to minimize build errors.


Interactive exploration of global results from the Facebook "Survey on Gender Equality At Home




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  • JavaScript 87.9%
  • Python 5.5%
  • HTML 3.0%
  • Shell 2.8%
  • Other 0.8%